But you're not a racist in real life, right user?

But you're not a racist in real life, right user?

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I'd honestly like to see any of these Yas Forums Yas Forums faggots casually say nigger or talk about how mixed race children are dumb in a real life social setting like they do here, the racists on this site are fucking pussies irl, they're always the most poorly postured skinny pale nerds.

No. I love all my international friends.

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I am nice to Turkish people irl. I speak extra slowly.

thank you

i am more racist irl than i am here, i try to avoid nigger, gypsy, serbian or jew related shit on the internet

No. I don't trust gypsies, anyway.

Genuine question though, all turkish people i talk to on the internet seem like reasonable and educated people, so how does the country end up as a borderline theocratic dictatorship?

it's a huge country, and crazy as it may seem, only the reasonable and educated come to Yas Forums, others dont go past facebook on the internet.

I like ME food and dudes from the ME are bro tier.
East Asians are too cliquey but they don't do anything bad necessarily.

Because the average Turkish person don't know English, let alone browsing and posting on international websites.

i can't be a racist because i only interact with Japanese irl

I had an eastern european friend once who was really nice.

I liked him a lot, and I feel like he rubbed off on me a bit.

I haven't been able to get over that part of the world since.

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I wouldn't say I'm a racist, I'll treat all people like people should be treated; with decency. But if you turn out to be scum. I'll treat you like scum.

The thing about it is, either all slurs and insults are okay or none of them are. If it's fine to call me a cracker or a mongol for example. It's fine to call blacks niggers, call arabs sand niggers, call spics taco niggers or call gays "faggots"...

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I'm more racist in person. Unless they're Asian girls, I go out of my way not to socialize with non-whites

I'm not racist just race realist with strong in-group preference

I judge people by their income and religiousness

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'ate t*rks
'ate islarm
simple as

I'm not racist on the internet, either.

are you one of those bad boys that are racist? because if so you'll have to be educated

that's what it means

>But you're not a racist in real life, right user?
of course i am

Nah, I do not give fuck about those matters, I am a bit xenophobic(ngt gonna deny that), dont like europeans and northern Spaniards too much but I dont care about race that much.

I posted about it earlier, make your own judgement.
>because if so you'll have to be educated
But what about this?

you're not a racist

But what if I want some "education" regardless user...

you'll have to pay tuition then

How much?

i didn't mean *that* kind of payment

I know... My question still stands though; "How. Much?"

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I'm not racist
in fact I bully r*cists
based too

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