Birth rates are dropping. Divorce rates are sky-rocketing. Depression is flourishing. Degeneracy is strengthening. Incelhood is ubiquitous. Anime and video games have taken the place of masculine activities. Society is crumbling, civilisation is decaying.
But Islam is still here, Islam will always be here. Even though our Ummah's strength waxes and wanes, the cescrent will always reappear. All glory be to Allah. I wish my brothers a good Ramadan.
Birth rates are dropping. Divorce rates are sky-rocketing. Depression is flourishing. Degeneracy is strengthening...
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Ok muhammad. Now go rape your goat or something.
To even lower myself to the level of trading insults with an Indian would be pathetic, so I won't.
Shut up goatfucker.
No insult I could come up with is worse than the reality of your situation, which is that you're Indian.
isnt combined strength of islamic world lesser than a few israeli airforce cadets?
Kill yourself camel piss drinker.
Oh shit how can the pajeet recover?
Islam is an African and ASEAN religion today
We have poster count here m8.
This thread is not about military strength, this is about the superiority of Islam over any other religion. You can see the power of Orthodoxy in Serbia, which is one of the least moral nations in the world.
>samefagging this hard
Pathetic dunecoon
The religion of Islam has no race, unlike Christianity and Judaism, Islam is egalitarian.
There's a much higher chance of Muslim countries becoming majority irreligious in the future than Europe becoming majority Muslim.
arent those just cope statistics? who cares how 'moral' some nation is when it gets blown up by missiles?
Nowhere did I say anything about Europe's future being Islamic. But you should not forget only a few thousand nomads from Turkestan managed to convert all of your Anatolian ancestors to Islam. Anything is possible with God.
Allah has foretold of this, there will come a time when holding to religion will be like clutching onto a piping hot rock, it will only strengthen the resolve of the righteous and separate the wicked
So y’all can’t eat pepperoni? Now that’s insaneum in the cranium.
Happy Ramadan though
The reality is that you and all other atheist posters on Yas Forums will spend the majority of their lives depressed, addicted to porn, anime, video games and other filth, and will die alone, rejected not only by society but by God. No progeny, no family. This is what social decay leads to.
>civilization is decaying
The only ones who keep insisting this are the aforementioned losers who are themselves decaying
Things are bad, and may we have it so that it becomes worse than ever!
What a ridiculous reasoning. You're a very simple minded person
It has been written though. Islam will reign victorious but only after a period of hardships. Only those who remain faithful will be rewarded. Europe will burn.
you're all of that too except you're coping by worshipping your pedophile warlord of a prophet
its already happening, the trial of faith is hardening. The constant bombardment of filth will either lead you to enlightenment (hidaya) or lead you to your ruin. Your choice.
>It has been written though
Stopped reading here, that's no reasoning dumb subhuman
So I guess the statistics proving that birth rates are below replacement level in all of the West, depression is more common than ever, divorce is completely normalized and incelhood's ascendancy are just fine and dandy and not signs of social decay.
Based. I’m not Muslim, or even adherent to any one sect, but I still try and visit church and bring my gf to it too
the marriage wasn't consummated until she was of age, it was only formally ratified at an early age
I choose to cum on allah and his prophet's faces
no need for childish displays of arrogance, every act or utterance from you is tallied and you'll be accountable for them on the day of recompense
Insh'Allah you'll find hidaya (enlightenment) before its too late brother
for the day of reckoning I will unmold a fat turd down allah's throat
The fact that all my posts which are written in a civilized manner, are mostly attacked by those who resort to curse words and insults, just furthers my point and deepends my resolve.
This uncontrollable anger from certain Yas Forums posters is another result of atheism and social decay. Imagine you have no prospects in the future, except working and then dying. You have no community, no loving wife, no children to raise. You spend all of your time playing video games and watching movies. Slowly the lack of intimate social contact leads you to places like Yas Forums where you can still have some contact with other people. But instead of spreading joy, you spread hatred. Because you're bitter. You're bitter at the world because you're a loser.
But why are you a loser? Because of social decay. No community to meet with. No parents who love you. No wife who is awaiting you. You have nothing. But you can change this. You can become like me. Sense the utter tranquility which is in all of my posts. Don't you long for my tranquility, my peace of mind, my determination? It can all be yours.
Fuck Allah and his faggot Muhammad(Piss be upon him) I just took a poo on the Quran. Your religion is extremely hated all over the world you muzzie subhuman.
wolves don't care about the opinion of rats
Seems like someone chooses to burn for all eternity. You will meet your end sooner than you hope. Expect us.
you won't have possession of your body, each and every inch will declare every act of good and evil you've ever made during this opportunity and you'll stand humiliated and tortured if you continue like this
Doesn't matter any place where education improves the people become less religious, doesn't matter what religion it is. Africa and Asia will get there too.
Christianity has never been about race, anyone can be converted. And it doesn't matter any place where there is decent education religious belief drops. This why Arab nations are becoming less religious as they develop and eventually Africa will follow.
why would I be angry if my religion garners hatred from a corrupt and completely lost world? feel free to submit to your capitalist, anti-human degenerate god if you find solace in western money
Yes because there are more losers now than ever before.
Christianity has always inherently been a racist religion, propagated by racists and intertwined with racist ideology.
Islam has been the opposite. Islam has given rise to Arab states, black African states, Turkic asian states, even some European states. White, black, yellow, brown. All have risen through the ranks in Caliphates, from Rashidun to Ottoman.
>Doesn't matter any place where education improves the people become less religious, doesn't matter what religion it is. Africa and Asia will get there too.
MENA, my home, will not fall for these devious zionist scemes. If anything my people will see the light and remain ever more faithful after absorbing more knowledge of the decay of the west.
6/10 bait
islam is such a ridiculous religion
>w-were totally the correct religion judaism and christianity has been tampered with!
>meanwhile some random caliph literally burns all the qurans he didnt like and shaped islam to his liking
its weird how arrogant they are in their worship of scientific 'rationality', they're as dogmatic and blind to its inevitable shortcomings as they accuse us of being
they claim objectivity yet they pick and choose the science that conforms to their cultural and personal beliefs too!
>Education is a Zionist scheme
Don't you feel silly typing this?
I know their arrogance brother this is why I am home schooling my children.
At least Muslims care about their hygene, unlike you Pajeet
Allah has preserved the scripture, he vested authority in Uthman and ensured its proper propagation via hafaza
Good call. At least they won't allow themselves to be devoid of critical thought, to be constantly open to whatever the government/educator suggests
If this education thing isn't zionist in nature why does it stray our people away from the light and in result make them dumber?
Islam will go the same way tho it's just natural way of life of having periods of rise and periods of decay
Regardless of whether the Muslims are “wrong” or not, the west relying on progressive culture to soften Muslims is a risky ploy at best. We should remain faithful and hardy ourselves
Nigga your people were literally conquered and raped by pajeets stfu.
Even if we fail in this dunya we still have the hereafter, which is million times better. Insha Allah. Have faith in Allah.
based pajeet