Do most Muslims actually take their religion seriously or are they just larping like christians do?

Do most Muslims actually take their religion seriously or are they just larping like christians do?

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Most just LARP, the average muslim won't refuse pussy or alcohol if you offer that to them in secret

99.9% of people will go to hell, there’s a hadith about this
Make of that what you will

Why should i refuse pussy?

it's just that Christians have a sense of humor, Islam is for simpler organisms.

because it's zina you idiot.

People who don't take it seriously aren't muslim, so there you go. Islam is a commitment and oath with Allah and he who breaks an oath with the Lord of Mankind is no man who should be trusted or accepted in any society on Earth.

>in secret

How big is your Ataturk poster?

I'm just gonna try play victim to Allah and see what happens

Satan worshippers are hypocrites

I try my best to pray and fast and stuff. I have never drunk or done Zina even when I have the opportunity to.

Turks loves alcohol

is that acid? kek

I don't know, are they larping when they execute you in Pakistan for making light of Muhammad?

From the very beginning Islam has been violently enforced by a minority upon the majority. Even right after Muhammad's death, which is why the conflicts following his death were referred to as the Apostasy Wars. A lot of people thought the gig was up after Muhammad died, but Abu Bakr was so friendly as to remind them that apostates still get the death penalty.

You can't "not take Islam seriously". Either you're a Muslim or an apostate.

Turks used Islam as a political tool to conquer. They're larpers.

I haven't 'taken it seriously' in a decade

>satan worshippers
>satan told his worshippers to curse his name everytime something bad happens
what did satan mean by this?

christians are polytheists like Hindus
there is not much to take seriously it's just a bunch of cults called christianity

Because god said that adultery is haram you damn chink pajeet

I'm pretty convinced that countries in North Africa are just larping at this point

Is that acid on his tongue?

You could say he's an "acid-tongued arab"

False. I would refuse it in a heartbeat.

ba dumm tss
Your ancestry must be German. We share the same lame bumer humor.

Only Saudis, Somalis, Egyptians, Iraqis, and Pakis actually take Islam seriously anymore.

Would hijab slags refuse the BFC?

>all the same thing

>Islam isn't full of dumb LoTR pagan shit like djinn in addition to the dumb Jewish/Christian shit.

My grandpa was telling me stories of when he was visiting some of his muslim friends in western thrace they send him to the butcher to buy pork for them.

eating pork is the only thing larping muslims won't do

Muslims unironically think mohammad flew to the moon

50% of muslims are larper, they do it for social acceptancy and dont give a shit