blur edition
fuck oasis subedition
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fuck australian threads
all in here
*walks into giant empty auditorium with my footsteps echoing everywhere*
why is there no good millenial art huh?
*pushes you to the ground*
*towers over you*
*does the simba thing with marmalade on your forhead, leaving you sticky for the rest of the day*
*throws a handful of ants at you that were in my pocket and smirks as they gravitate towards the marmalade smeared on the outflow of your pineal chakra*
anime is shit
don't care if you downvote me
The bar on the orgy question, alarming.
bit gay
endocrine disrupting chemicals which permeate society eroded the testosterone filled desire to find suitable mates to procreate with, for some reason since chemical companies have been mass producing these EDC's have all living beings on earth been affected by these chemicals have somehow magically been drawn further from the hard left of the "sexual spectrum"
it's fucked mate, WHO released a caution on these chemicals in 2012 and they STILL remain unregulated
if that wasn't bad enough, the effects of these chemicals are inter-generational, shifting evolution of all species on earth further from it's unfettered TRUE nature
What's the status on Rorke?
Why are blacks so wise?
transwomen ARE WOMEN rorke
I feel like, there are a lot of really cool people from the UK, but none of them are here on Yas Forums
consume, be cool bro
don't feel left out
purchase the latest phone upon release
don't create, only consume
down for the count after a sweet left hook from leftypol, he never saw it coming
Why won't you date them then?
so was that oil stuff from yesterday a big nothing burger?
this but everywhere
you nicking my post and getting the dubs was an artistic act
anyone bought the 'new' persona?
How you treat girls doesn't really matter, does it? They only care about who you are.
You ain't going to get pussy by just being nice and you also ain't ever going to lose a chance at pussy by being not nice.
It's all about who you are. Doesn't matter much how you treat them. That only comes much later on, if at all and some girls just like to be mistreated anyway.
Yeah autogynephilia is the word I was thinking of. The only way I'd differentiate it from a normal sissy fetish is that I'm actually quite repulsed by real sissies/traps. I'm also 6"1 and fairly macho, so the idea of me actually dressing up in women's clothes is equally repulsive. The fantasy only works if I "become" a genuine woman or something that's more or less indistinguishable.
Was definitely a regular femdom fetish that led me down this rabbit hole desu. Think it's just the normal power/control fetish being taken to an extreme level, rather than being a poofter or wannabe tranny
Why are the chinks so much more stylish than us whiteys?
no mate, petrol stations will soon be paying us to take their fuel
i'd love to date monica but she's way out of my league
FUCK australians
Get in here if you LOVE GREAT BRITAIN!
Schizo-esque post.
anyone order anime titties?
I'd like to thank China for fighting the good fight
/brit/ is for everyone
based thread wars proliferator
may god be on your side brother
There's people there who will hurt you
Because of who you are (Australian)
no lad aussies are top blokes
Israel marks Holocaust Remembrance Day in shadow of pandemic
all those feelings are coming from your junk
imagine how you'd feel if you reached the logical (used loosely) conclusion and chopped them off.
Think the reason for the 42% would be extremely apparent.
cheers, youve just enjoyed some zoomer art
Probably from watching lesbian porn desu
You probably end up self inserting as the woman
No, not really, politically as long as the saudis keep throwing their shit about OPEC, it will be erratic but its going to go back up
Recommended puts: Halliburton, Murphy Oil
wallah i fucking love this general bros
i gotta post here more, but for some reason i only get that urge when i smoke weed since getting a job
yeee whhaaaaa
Out of all the things in anime women the nipples are the most preposterous, why do the Japanese thing boobs with huge 3D areolas are attractive
comparing blur and oasis is one of the biggest music industry memes of the 90's, and the funniest part is that so many people fell for it
>Obsessing over these two lads
>Was definitely a regular femdom fetish that led me down this rabbit hole desu. Think it's just the normal power/control fetish being taken to an extreme level, rather than being a poofter or wannabe tranny
Seems to be the case desu, did you keep going to greater lengths with femdom beforehand?
he's a ripper of a bloke
wow, learnt heaps
its a waste of time get out while you can
>>Obsessing over these two lads
told myself i'd quit at 40k
now i'm telling myself 100k
o-oasis i mean oasis
How so. Elaborate.
we know you're there 'drew
Not dissimilar to Elvis vs the Beatles
Believe me lad, if I could flip a button and make it so that I got the same level of arousal from vanilla stuff, I'd do it in a heartbeat
Still, I suppose it's not quite the worst thing in the world to be aroused by
*strides towards you*
Needs no further elaboration, you think and write like schiz.
yes lads
not going to read them all lad, where is it?
twink as fuck
are all brits this cute
If you started out liking vanilla stuff just stop wanking for like 2 weeks, will be going mad over a lady in a bra in no time
find it strange how people base their entire lives personalities around fiction, happens with regular telly shows but seems to happen more with anime watchers and the like.
stock up on that canned food lined with oestrogenic plastic, leeching into the food you consume without noticing the disruption of your endocrine system
they wont notice
not seen a bigger bunch of VFs in my life
what the fuck
Is this real?
I'm a Game of Thronesian, my Westersona is a fat shepherd from The Vale who struggles with recurring bouts of hot&chills
i am not entirely convinced that the holocaust happened lads
joe gang here
no you dont understand im married to a cartoon character
I'm into watersports probably because I used to get hard when I needed a piss so proably conflated it with being turned on, and when I started looking at actual porn at about 15-16 I stumbled on a video of a girl pissing and that was it
Idk about the rest of them but Mosley was a historically certified top shagger
shut up you fucking idiot
listen to this for dat 3rd eye gape bro, really got a nigga thinking
Will my Nandos card work at Nando's in Washington DC?
im a superkai64 waiting for a coco_super to come and sweep me off my feet
in my experience the opposite happens
don't try to 1-up porn, just graduate to actual females
it's like starting at square one again, you'll nut just feeling a tit.
everything i eat gives me stomachache, not sure what the ol body is trying to tell me tbf
that potato lashes out at intellectual thought without verifying the validity of the claims, as it requires the brainpower you crave
Did it happen? Possibly. But 6 million? That cant be true.
The reason I'm weak and womanly is because of oestrogen in the lining of tin of beans
mosely married diana mitford iirc, one of the fittest women alive in britain at that period apparently. if you're involved in politics anyway you're virgin freak regardless.
Moseley wanted a United Stated of Europe
Pretty based
>throttled internet at midday
this lockdown needs to end NAAOOWW
90% of replies are angry thots spamming their onlyfans but he is 100% right
what made me laugh were women who try to claim that men buy OF because porn is "unethical"
i've yet to meet a guy who cares if pair of tits he sees is ethical or not