imagine being a Finn or an Aussie
shitposting 24/7 only to get some (you)
and not getting bantered back by anyone because of the extreme irrelevancy of their countries.
Imagine being a Finn or an Aussie
I know this feel
you kinda just get bantered by a country with no relevance and you don't really know what to say back
sometimes I just go
and leave
Imagine repeatedly being rangebanned because of how other posters with your flag post
imagine a white woman being torn apart by a Big Black Cock nearly the size of her ruthlessly ravaging her pussy
Imagine a life where you never discovered this shithole.
>post in thread
>thread dies
does this happen to any of you
90% of my posts
imagine being the poster that breaks this pepe chain
fuck frogs
poopoo peepee
ive never had sex
Have sex then
With whom?
i just want sex once (1) time
Uh I'm desperate but not enough to love my virginity to an obese neet of chinese origins.
I thought you could easily get whores in Netherlands.
i'm not obese
Shit sucks
why would i sex a whore
Are you cute then
It's an option at least, all women are hores so why not take a shortcut
Since theres nothing i can do about the relevancy of my country the only logical thing i can do is to up the shitposting
Imagine getting a (you) from a Mongolian. I feel blessed and my day is pretty much made.
vero lol
>post in a thread
>resurrects and goes to bump limit
Finns had a brief popularity when spurdo was still funny, now they're invisible again
I image we affected the fate of europe in a way because if we would had been invaded in 2 weeks by the soviets, nazi germany could had seen the soviets as more of a threat.
Not as a france 0.2
Are Finn and Aussie women into anal sex?