Why are Turks like this?
Why are Turks like this?
First time seeing a Crimean Tatar flag here, based
Why can't steppe accept that they have migrated from long distances?
You don't feel some connection to your Uralic brothers? Cringe.
this is actually accurate.
fucking pan-turkists and pan-turanists make me cringe my dick out.
Big question.
Why do people hate Turks so much? I understand that they're a hick migrant group in Europe, but they at least work hard, have a halfway decent culture and have some sort of local industry and skills to speak of even though they're typically lower middle class and are a political shit show. I'd equate them to Mexicans for the North American analog.
But it seems like peopel view them as below Blacks or stone age mudslimes like Pakis low tier Arabs.
How did they earn such ire? Not defending them per se, I have been to Turkey and found them pretty pushy, but most seemed like just your run of the mill moralistic low income fags and were pretty friendly. Pic related, and yes, I know it's originally from Asia and it's current form was actually refined by Greeks.
kebab was always our food.
We don't really hate them that much compared to other minorities but they're the most butthurt and easy to trigger group there is over here. Their nationalistic-autism is off the charts, it doesn't compare to any other ethnic group.
because those people you listed are subhuman by nature, turks on the other hand have potential but strive to be subhumans, they reject civilization and choose to be primitive like niggers
imagine a nation of amish people but instead of living comfy and peacefully they still larp as muslim mujahideen of middle ages thats what t*Rks are
not really.
rest of the post is true
Do they really?
post more panaltaic cringe please, deleted my folder.
>but they at least work hard
>have a halfway decent culture
We got our own culture we don't want yours
>have some sort of local industry and skills to speak of even though they're typically lower middle class and are a political shit show
fair enough
Older turkish folk generally isn't seen badly, however the younger generation is seriously drawing a bad image. They're more radical than their parents and are reshaping youth culture in a seriously shit way.
They have a propensity for marrying their own cousins.
>he thinks tatars look slant-eyed
i have bad news, finnbro
Turkish people living here are weird, they have their own little information bubble which has a higher % of fake news than your average Facebook right winger and almost all of them are about stuff like
1) Dutch government planning on rounding up Turkish people
2) Dutch government planning on banning Muslims from schools, forcing the girls to have sex
3) Turkish girl raped and set on fire by racist gang, police covering it up
4) Hard working Turkish entrepreneur got harassed for not admitting Armenian genocide
I have some Turkish friends left from highschool, people that have gone to university, and they share articles like this.
that would be the kurds, your fellow indo european political allies.
I see their comments under every video with a Turkic language or about some Turkic nationality, they also tend to have a photo of Ataturk on their profile picture.
>Pic related, and yes, I know it's originally from Asia and it's current form was actually refined by Greeks
I'm actually retard for answering your question since you're one of those "durks have nothing, they stole everything from other" type of retard. You're not here for actualy answers, you're here to bait some "le deus vult" tier cringeshit.
sounds true, but all groups of people have these tards, ours are just particularly cringe.
But its true. Turks are comparably well behaved compared to a lot of immigrant groups but are very autistic about turkey. You have third generation immigrants that larp as wolves online cant stop talking about how great turkey is. When the coup was happening or the diplomatic tensions between the netherlands and turkey, most people here wanted to ship them all back to turkey.
The Turk in the youtube thumbnail looks more like the right drawing than the yakut.
Imagine being an autist that wastes hours on ms paint to make this and then you don't even do it right.
>but they at least work hard
They gather together in low income areas and have a propensity for violence and ultranationalism while playing the oppressed minority in their host countries. Erdogan got the highest percentage in all countries including Turkey from Turkish voters in Austria and Germany.
The majority of Turks antagonizes and hates Germans and the German nation (they still stay for the gibs and higher wages), they even confront you physically when meeting abroad.
Compared to the average spic, it would be because Turks are brainwashed and patriotic to the point of delusion. Now, the same can absolutely be also said about most Arabs, and especially Pakis/Indians, but Turks are much more relevant to the average Euro westoid on the internet, so they get proportionally more hate.
It's seen as extra troublesome because compared to Moroccans it's a lot more extreme. That is despite Turkish people doing many times better than Moroccans in terms of socio-economics so it's weird why they seem to socially reject Dutch society so much.
they just think that euros inherently hate them, which is true.
you guys used to criticize Atatürk back then just because he was hanging islamists without fair trial, just because you didn't want turkey to be strong again.
I can understand why a lot of them feel like they are under siege. It's not entirely their fault. Europe has always been hostile towards Turks.
There are like that here too. According to Turks in Germany they are always on the verge of being put into Auschwitz by the Germans. Also they always talk about the Rothschilds, Soros etc. I knew a guy who claimed Turkey posessed some unique mineral that they would use to build a rocket to go to Mars but the CIA were trying to get it etc.
dont really mind them
just wish they were less gay
my ancestor :)
when will we unite under the banner of genghis khan again?
Fun fact
Majority of Turks hate Turanists
keep drinking flouride water g*Rman you people are always lapdogs of rothschilds
Continueing. I worked as a security guard and naturally most of my colleagues were Turkish. They talked about how Islam is the only way to raise a society and how Germans are all corrupt and all the men pussies. And then - I kid you not- they repeatedly got extremely scared in the dark like little children.
Likewise some Turkish guy antagonized me abroad for being GErman because apparently the German people and the government were genociding Turkish citizens via the NSU...I tried to avoid him and make peace but of course he had to jump me in the corner of the bar. Long story short, I knocked him out and when he regained consciousness he started sobbing like a little child and asking 'why have oyu done this'. PATHETIC. We both went to jail for that. Turks have brought me nothing but trouble and misery in my life.
I'm sure this was completely true and not fictional.
it's believable though, I can see it happening irl.
Turks are fucking nutters, everytime.
You think you met a relatively normal guy, talk to him a bit, and suddenly he tells you about underground male semen farms and a matriarchal plan to destroy men and keep them for procreation and that we need to suppress them with religion to end the threat
>be euro
>import toilet cleaners from godforsaken villages
>whoa why are they so subhuman
they also scream in high pitched voices and run around like girls while hugging and touching each other when they get scared
Most of that comes from themselves. When you close yourselves off from the host society and want to preserve your culture there will be issues. Forming a parralel society that has a strong loyalty to turkey which acts hostile to us creates issues. These will never go away which is why the whole multicultarism is a project doomed to fail when you have nonintegrating migrants.
We should in all honestly ship them back to their host country which they love. The cultural divide will never be closed so them sraying here is pointless for us natives.
It's the fucking germans who take them all, they spread from there
I have met few turks but they were all retard assholes. The memes check out. Africans are unironically better than them on average.
someone left a nice comment promoting international unity and of course someone had to twist it into something bad.
Americans partly forced us. Not even kidding.
>time for your daily semen harvesting
see this
general repatriation is the best option if you don't want the majority of turkish diaspora, which deserve being called roaches, to be in europe anymore.
but you also can't expect them to assimilate one hundred percent, when europeans are and were particularly hostile towards the turk, much more than the arab or the paki.
>I'm sure this was completely true and not fictional.
>it's believable though, I can see it happening irl.
Cope Ahmed. Deep down you know it's probably true. Your men are all bark and no bite. They love to talk about 'muh honor' yet they fight dirty when their tiny ego is at stake and badmouth other colleagues at work like middle aged women.
wasnt Ataturk an Anatolianist
Kek turks always make shit up, they simply cannot deal with the fact that theyre an irrelevant people.
The average African that made it to Europe either had the brains to educate himself and free himself from the chains of their shitty subsaharan society, or at least understands that when in rome you do as romans do.
I'm unsure what the fuck it is about turks that makes them so ridiculously nationalistic. The Ottoman Empire doesn't exist anymore, just fucking stop.
Their approach to Attaturk is completely schizophrenic. He's the hero of the Turkish nation and depending on your political views he was either an Islamist, Nationalist or hardcore liberal.