

Attached: erg.jpg (563x453, 39.54K)

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Never should of come ‘ere innit

they want a fresh perspective, especially from someone with rich cultural heritage

isnt islamic culture raping goats and getting blow up by israeli air because quran, the most holy and important book doesnt bother with less important stuff like anti air tech?

the only rich thing about muslim cultural heritage, is teaching the rest of the world how important anti air branch of the military is in the 21st century

Yes, infidel


White leftists are unironically mentally ill retards who will deserve everything that will come to them once their pets start to kick their teeth in.

Attached: white lefties.jpg (750x333, 29.55K)

to destroy the heritage

how do you destroy something that was never there

Islamic Golden Age was an interesting cultural period.


I can't find any evidence of this whatsoever, the only mentions of it online are a couple of right wing sensationalist sites

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you shouldn't have said that aloud. You ruined the bait

That dude is just some paki author and not some head of the swedish national heritage board

you must be fun at parties

what golden age? translating stuff greeks already knew into arabic? burning library of alexandria??
they have billions of people, billions of oil money, and 0 nobel prizes

theres no value in islamic people

middle east has some nobel prizes

>nobel prizes
Imagine being such a tragic brainlet you actually value this piece of shit award

Haha yeah race baiting is really fun at parties isn't it

there's a sociology thesis waiting to be made about 20s white guys who go around foaming at the mouth after having read a headline from their favorite crypto nazi website

You should author it instead of spending all your life screaming and crying about Nazi bogeymen on a Laotian cake decorating board.

You think all of that is ironic shitposting but post this on Yas Forums and you'll get 99% serious replies. Just fucking google it, petersweden, jihadistwatch and other 80-IQ literal niggers are taking this fake news shit as gospel.

well i obviously didnt mean peace and literature prize, i meant stuff like diseases cured, satellites launched into orbit, nuclear reactor patents...

my point is that muslims are african tier, you cant name a single export from their countries

>Alt right specimens are so desperate for things to align with their autistic views that they make up fake news articles to make themselves feel better

>pretending nazis are a bogeymen on Yas Forums dot org

i mean ok may you remind me which board of this website is by far the most popular and what are they political views

for research purposes, it's time to study you fools

tell us about the balkan culture user

Based Serb

I bet you think you're a proper smart lad.
>t-they have no nobel prizes xdddd

Islamic Golden Age was almost all just translation/preservation of other people's works. And the few novel inventions were done by Iranians, not the Arabs who constantly try to take credit.

>yank education

Not an argument

>yank education

sweden doesnt have any heritage apart from a bunch of baboons killing each other with speers over gravel

Not an argument

>yank education

>tf tp
You would know about the importance of anti-air defense LMFAO

Not an argument

>yank education


t. Reza Farhad Esfahani