Idk what country this is but bitches from here all be mad ugly whats up with that

idk what country this is but bitches from here all be mad ugly whats up with that

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Despite making up only 1% of the population, transgender people make 100% of incels seethe

>Despite making up only 1% of the population, transgender people make up 100% of incels

funny how incels are the most obsessed about trans people lol. imagine storing hundreds of images about trans people just to "own" them lol

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Imaging pretending to mentality stable only to commit suicide after chopping your dick off


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Need to keep some material to counter the propaganda from that cult.

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some anecdote is supposed to mean something? If I showed you an example of a fucked up family does that mean marriage itself is a fucked up thing?

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Trannies definitely are fucked in the head but incels aren't any better.


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not an argument

neither incels nor transgender peoples are mentally ill by definition

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transgender "freaks" should be excluded from lgb community

I think that's Transsylvania, a province in Romania that supposedly has a 43% suicide rate.

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Their thoughts and actions sure as hell sound mentally ill.


You're part of a cult. Two types of people push tranny propaganda. The "doctors" and drug merchants who benefit from it, and the buyer's remorse club.

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holy shit norway, you can't just say that

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transphobe scum. You deserve to get hecked.

not necessarily. not all incels are depressed and angsty about women

not an argument

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growing tits and dressing up as a woman okay but cutting off your cock you can't come back from. You might as well kill yourself at that point.

>transphobe scum
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being transphobic, disliking freaks is only natural.

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They're all the same shit. LGBTQ2PACHIV+ is for all sexual deviants who want to flaunt their disgusting fetishes

I wish your mum gets hecked tommorow, disgusting terf transphobe hecking rino. Fuck you. HECK YOU!

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Walking crimes against humanity desu

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I remember you I gave you an adress to pull up . bro it was the los Angeles mental health Center and you're dumbass dint bother to check the adress you waited there angrily like a retard

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what a blasphemous sodomy

You sound frustrated. Chill, mate.

Just post your face bro I will find your transphobic bitchass and punch you with my nya-nya punch

I'm my native country we feed crossdressers go alligators. Theyre usually pedophiles

Me about to destroy you all.

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Hahahahahahahahah you really went there. Oh my the sweet fucking joy that was fucking gold.

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Guys I might be closeted but I really don't appreciate your bullying trans people most of them have it hard enough already

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Pull up nigga

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wtf why u guys talk about transgeneder

>most of them have it hard enough already
So what?

Shut up fag

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poor girl getting bullied because of incels

incels seething about based transwomen


Nice balls nigga

you at the left

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Incels are the first victims of the tranny death cult. And Yas Forums is a big recruitment pool for it.

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Damm bro I miss my nigga brownose pup the most stable of trannies .RIP

you can make anything sound bad with enough adjectives and effort

Reddit Siri Google Alexa, remind me to check in three days if I care then?

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>See people normal . now let these closeted pedophiles and scatphiles groom out children at schools so they can end up shit posting on /int /

overused reddit pic

This image is so depressing to look at

Imagine that am American putting effort

There is no grooming here. The only "grooming" is letting man to return to his righteous natural state.


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Here's a simpler version with less words
Incels are prime targets for the tranny cult.
>prey on young insecure men
>destroy what little self confidence they had by calling them ugly, too short, too skinny, too fat, inadequate
>convince them everything would be a lot better for them if they just pumped themselves full of hormones and other meds
It's disgusting and the people responsible should hang.

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sorry sweetie, but we are the kings. No matter how much you incels cry, you softbois are in our hands.

what this guy said

they give the rest of us a bad name

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>soft boi
user can't even change the timing chain on his car.