why do infidels love drinking alchohol and see it as a sign on manliness but also view a significant time of sobriety as an accomplishment?
does this happen in your cunt
why do infidels love drinking alchohol and see it as a sign on manliness but also view a significant time of sobriety as an accomplishment?
does this happen in your cunt
there was a time where your scholars could appreciate alcohol
I havent tasted a drop of alcohol since the beginning of the quarantine but as soon as I can go out, I'll sure get wasted with the lads.
The Islamic golden age was carried by converted Persians and Iberians, Araboids never did much besides conquer and drink camel piss.
>I'll sure get wasted with the lads.
so it's just a glorified social activity
Your ideas are not properly separated.
Alcohol feels good, takes the stress away, it's also a social lubricant.
Most people can control themselves.
Only a minority can't control themselves, only for them is a big deal they spent a lot of time sober.
Any toddler could figure that out.
feehu manifi3 lilnas
alcohol in aljanna won't be intoxicating
even islam wasn't this excoriating of recreational alcohol consumption
>but also view a significant time of sobriety as an accomplishment?
we arent all alcoholics
most people cannot control themselves, alcohol makes you delusional
Indian Muslims drink alcohol. They even do drugs, and produce tons of based music.
Well, I mean Indian Islam is way different from Persian, Arab or Indonesian Islam. Because it has existed in conflict with Hindus, Indian Muslims are way more hostile. Intermarrying or having pre-marital sex in Islam is considered a sin in normal Islam but not to Indian or Pakistani Muslims. They see fucking Hindu/Christian women as a way to "show their superiority" over the infidels.
there is nothing inherently wrong with alcohol consumption
Ghazwa-e-Hindustan soon. seethe more cuck.
If Islam is for it, it is probably a good idea.
Why do Saudis LARP as pious Muslims when they do weekend trips to Bahrain to get wasted and fuck whores.
Oh wait you ar the Proxyfagging American Schizo chick.
pretty cringe bro...
>most people cannot control themselves
I suspect you're projecting, if you make an ass of yourself a couple of times, most will cut back for a while due to shame and guilt.
Kek, Muslims are a charity case in India, soon they won't even be citizens.
They still do. You meet any Muslim abroad, and odds are, they drink. The weird shit is how assiduously they hold to not eating pork
we're a global majority religiously, allah will seen accelerate the coming of alqiyama and we'll enjoy watching you seethe and cry
>it's also a social lubricant.
Why do you need to be drunk to feel comfortable around people? If you don't, then there is no need for alcohol, and if you do, you need to be medicated instead of drinking.
I want to get rid of my addictions but I wouldn't flaunt it around, it's cringe.
alcohol = disinfectant
pork = filthy, induces coronary blockage and infested with tapeworms and nondescript bacteria
>Alcohol feels good, takes the stress away
to me it seems like it's an easy way out of stressing and beyond that can lead to exponential negative effects due to how easy of a solution it is. if you're putting it in that context
I'm not really advocating for or against alcohol here
they sound like degenerates
>but also view a significant time of sobriety as an accomplishment?
No this is a nordcuck meme, i think it's protestant.
>so it's just a glorified social activity
Yeah sure
This. I think people would be shocked at the number of middle easterners that drink and go to bars. Places like Morocco and Algeria too, there is a huge drinking culture.
>so it's just a glorified social activity
Jokes on you, I mostly drink alone
I drink alcohol just to relaxing my mind and body after a day full of hardwork. Nothing to do with manliness or some shit.
That's way too absolutist Fjodor. No one needs to drink to hang out with their friends. Some people need to drink to meet new people, like at bars, clubs or parties. That's not them needing medication, that's just them being shy or lacking self-confidence so they need alcohol to take away some of the anxiety.
You make it out like you either don't drink alcohol or you need medication.
>No this is a nordcuck meme, i think it's protestant.
You're gonna have to explain that one, literally never heard of this as a thing except with alcoholics or ex-addicts.
Allah is not real so no one will come an help you. As education is more widely accessible in muslim countries, the less religious they'll become.
>Irreligion in Saudi Arabia is difficult to measure as it is illegal to leave the Islamic faith in the country.[1][2][3] Most atheists in Saudi Arabia communicate with each other via the internet.[4][5]
According to a 2012 poll by WIN-Gallup International, 19% of 502 Saudi Arabians surveyed stated they were "not religious", and 5% that they were "convinced atheists".[6][7][8]
In March 2014, the Saudi interior ministry issued a royal decree branding all atheists as terrorists, which defines terrorism as "calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based."[9]
You're projecting, I didn't say I need it to feel comfortable around people or that people that don't feel comfortable around other people should solve it with alcohol.
Alcohol makes you a little more friendly, that's all. People overthinking less and just have a good time together.
It's not a solution.
>Shit I'm stressing about my test results, I already did my test and can't do anything about it anymore, I'll just grab one or two beers and watch some TV to take my mind of it.
>I had a very annoying customer today at work, it doesn't happen all the time but this time he got under my skin, I can do anything about it now and I needed the job, I'll call up a friend for a few beers after work and vent about how stupid customers are.