How did all of these countries turn out so bad (drugs, corruption, crime, poverty, people trying to flee to America etc...

How did all of these countries turn out so bad (drugs, corruption, crime, poverty, people trying to flee to America etc.), Yas Forums?

Is it the weather/climate?*

*I already have problems working at anything around 25°C.

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Oligarchic families from their gated communities rule everything.

They fucked up during their "revolutions".

The USA drains their brain and workforce.

They have no Jews.

it's because their music and culture makes them dance and party all the time, so hard to get work done

USA fucked us up and colonialism left us with an inferiority complex. A group of families has been ruling for a long time, leaving a corrupt system that does not improve, but we are the main culprits of not overcoming those difficulties. Most people here don't think about the future and would betray a fellow countryman without a second thought. It's called "la viveza criolla" and it's seen as a good thing.

A really dumb elite who thinks in short-term. Plus (at least in Brazil), slavery.

If you have constant coup d'etats one after another you will just ruin your economy because investors will pull out of your cunt (pun intended) due to constant instabilty and the coups being excuse for some to seize capitals etc.
LATAM wents through so many coups that set Argentina, a perspective country that was USA-lite of the South America to a country with it's foreign debt being own by a private american hedge fund. KG got fucked back by constant kremlin fuckaroo too, but at least it's been only 2 coups so far.

Nearly all problems in those countries can be traced back to the conflict between big landowners and subsistence farmers.

This had been discussed to death, go watch a documentary about it, there are many on YouTube completely free.

You're just jealous daddy Xi tells what to listen and watch.

Quite simply traditional catholic ideals of letting princes and lords rule over huge tracts of land with evereyone else being a serf. The US and Canada were built on protestant ideals of free enterprise and private ownership creating all sorts of mobility.

Communism fucked up this country so much. Theres a reason you see lots of spics vote Bernie. They are that retarded.

>Chile isn't a first-world countr-

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What does Paraguay's say?

Why do women from poor places always have legs like that?

As a Chilean, it's hard to tell really, it's definitely not that bad, but there's a lot of shit that prevents people from being happy. But I think a pretty huge factor is the duality in politics (left vs. right), there's absolutely no compromises on either side, it's a constant fight and there's so many people that are fanatics. That's why so many people hate each other's guts, I really don't see the country going anywhere when people are constantly divided.

>But I think a pretty huge factor is the duality in politics (left vs. right), there's absolutely no compromises on either side, it's a constant fight and there's so many people that are fanatics. That's why so many people hate each other's guts, I really don't see the country going anywhere when people are constantly divided.
I wonder where you got that from :3

Threadly reminder:
Most South Americans on this board are part of their rich and privately educated upper class. They live in big mansions with maids and butlers, and hold strange reactionary beliefs about racial hierarchies and are sympathic to fascist tendencies while being more often than not creepy religious fundamentalism. They look down on their fellow citizens and would sell out their own country and all its riches to foreign multinationals and the neoliberal status quo while still calling themselves patriotic. They are members of their oligarchy and are afraid that someone is about to redistribute 'their' wealth that are the result of their greedy thievery. They are a cleptocratic class of parasites that has to be utterly purged and annihilated in a violent uprising if any state in South America is to achieve social progress.

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the answer is niggers. Spanitards imported many niggers and racemixed with them thats why the average IQ in south america is below 50.

Kleptocratic starts with K

Hah, I have a Spanish friend and every time we discuss Chile he says a lot of those problems sound like they were inherited from Spain.
But it's really telling that it's been 30 years since the dictatorship, where people were divided between voting YES or NO (continue the military government or conclude it) and now we're gonna vote to rewrite the constitution or not (Approve or Reject), and it's exactly the same kind of people, again left vs right, with advertising on the TV and shit.
Also this poor people in South America don't speak English, so you only see one side on here.

How did you end up in Norway, fren?

I'm a huge Norwayboo and applied to several jobs through Linkedin, I'm a programmer.

Cool, did you have a Master degree or just the undergrad?

Just the undergrad.

They look like normal legs.
You mean not fat?

Amazing. I asked because I'm thinking on doing the same but for France, Germany or Austria. I'll get my Masters first though (hopefully in a good university in one of those countries) since I'm doing electrical engineering and finding a job in the field is not as easy as for a programmer.

>How did all of these countries turn out so bad
>the cuck worlder asks

Natural selection is about survival of the fittest iirc. Whatever we're doing we're doing the right thing, regardless of your cuckold opinion on it.

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Just by the way you worded this I can tell your opinion has been greatly shaped by American media, there's nothing I can tell you to change this, imho, flawed bias

>Is it the weather/climate? *I already have problems working at anything around 25°C.
No, 25ºC is above average for the region. Even in tropical countries like Ecuador, Costa Rica or Colombia, most settlement patterns occur either at high elevations where temperatures are milder or in coastal areas precisely in order to mitigate the drawbacks of heat and humidity, especially tropical diseases. Inland low-lying areas, such as the amazon, tend to be depopulated, since developing a civilization in those areas is very difficult due to the aforementioned reasons

>The USA drains their brain and workforce.
>They have no Jews.
These aren't true

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maybe that's the case in your 19th century-esque society, chi.

Instability due to extreme political parties
Elections being disputed by far right and far left, etc

According to that map pretty much all of LatAm sans Chile lives in places warmer than the warmest place on the European continent

the warmer it gets the lower your IQ will drop
see the middle east, africa, south america and australia .

Daily reminder that there is goodness, kindness and happiness to be found in Latin America.

Life is not about money. Many Colombian villagers live a more fulfilling life than first worlders, picking coffee beans beneath the sun and thanking God for each new day.

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