>Oktoberfest CANCELED
How do we deal with China, bros? How do we stop them from ruining everything that's good in this crazy crazy world?
>Oktoberfest CANCELED
How do we deal with China, bros? How do we stop them from ruining everything that's good in this crazy crazy world?
Just drink at home
it's not china's fault. All the Westerners did not even listen to our warnings until too late
Things get worse and worse everyday.
Fuck u chink.
You're going DOWN, buddy.
>NOOOOO my tourist trapperino!!
Except the CCP was trying to cover it up until it got too big to.
Fuck you. I don't come to wherever you live and cancel your annual dogspinning tradition. Show some FUCKING respect.
>Chinese Virus
>annual dogspinning tradition
BASED CHINA BTFOing the normies
btw americans are delusional aswell they will soon lift the quarantine demanding to vacation in europe, further re-spreading the COOF into urop
Threadly reminder that
rhymes with
look at your countries, so much more infected than china. because you can't listen and make a quarantine. you just don't have discipline and technology.
I don't care about dogspinning but don't you dare cancel my rooster beating tradition.
>annual dogspinning tradition
Kek, how will gypsies ever recover
Oh I'd never stop you from beating your cock. It's the only thing you have left.
My fuck u was general towards your people and did not particularly aim at the chinese virus.
Once again, fuck u chink.
>falling for a gook spook
How FUCKED is China's economy now when they can't even afford to give their paid CCP propaganda shills a VPN?
1. Dogspinning is based
2. If you were a real Bavarian you would hate Oktoberfest, because it's a gay tourist trap.
You're not BAVARYAN.
Stop LARPing.
Well the TPP would of helped control them but nooooooo
Dumb economically illiterate man children screaming muh globalism
I'm Bavaryan and there is nothing, NOTHING you can do about it.
Damn, Hungarians are BLACK?
franconian mutt
stfu, China public enemy #1
You piece of SHIT.
No one from Bavaria calls it Oktoberfest. He's probably a sandnigger from Schwaben or Franken
Yeah, because the foreigners on this board will surely know what Wiesn means.
U SO STUPAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will Oktoberfest be attended by geriatrics, or what?
>Will Oktoberfest be attended by geriatrics
What part of CANCELED did you not understand. Why are you rubbing salt in our wounds?
seems like most western countries pursued wishful thinking, China did fuck up but it's not like it would'nt have spread like the swine flu
why are you so full of hate. chinese are not bad compare to other people
God forbid people would learn something about other cultures on this Yas Forumsernational board, you braindead sandnigger.
>causes, spreads and downplays a virus that will cost the world economy TRILLIONS
>"omg y u hate us so, we dindu nuffin" *slurps bat soup*
2 yuanshekels have been deposited in your account.
ok so 1 person eating bat soup means we are all evil? i don't get it
>we are all evil
I couldn't have put it better myself, thank you.
Just admit the government covered it up. It has nothing to do with you personally
>hasn't been heard from since
They probably ate him.
Ok, we can agree on that.
You are a good man
well then you germans are all evil for nazis. how do you feel now?
well the world have so much time to prepare but you did nothing