Do you love Bahamas?
Do you love Bahamas?
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>big bunda queen
l-lmagine having children with here hahahaha
i wanna go in there like this
Well if you put it like that, yes.
>sunny beaches and hot black women
What's not to like
yes its warm and i like warmer climates
what is that ?
Not a country i think off much. I only know it because of norwegian childrens television. The villians endgame was usually taking all the money and running away to the Bahamas
Built for Fertile Asian Dick
gib black kveen
this, black women belongs to asian men
Gib caribbean gf
Fuck yeah, Estonia; make hay while the sun shines. And by "make hay" I mean "fuck that ebony beauty with all of your might".
it's alright but very poor. i enjoyed my time in nassau nevertheless, i liked those van taxis blasting dancehall.
good coke and weed too.
i want to have sex with that ass
based, u ever try lsd?
these unchaste women deserve assitra, they need lashes, covering and marriage to proper husbands
prav smiliš se mi
upam, da dobiš na loteriji
i also want to have sex with that ass
based coomer
do you by any chance work in tourism?
yes, it's alright, but i didn't try it in over 5 years now.
i first tried it 10 years ago on some trance festival, it was 50kn
i wanna try it at least once
it's not so hard to come by, try online, i dont want to write too much here but you know.
it's one of the cheapest and safest drugs to order.