/dar/ - do americans really

Post webm's about America

Attached: CF302C40-66B2-4C3F-B187-875208FE00DB.png (1280x674, 29.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1587352575821.gif (375x221, 3.86M)

That's not funny. You of all people should know that.

>post wembs about America
>posts a gif
Do Americans really?

Attached: 5C60DC8B-D820-4EBC-B0F6-C8EA43DB1A27.jpg (1024x958, 121.5K)


Attached: badass trick.webm (400x400, 1.91M)

Attached: cute gamer girl.webm (460x818, 1.29M)

>audience gasp
>dog covers its eyes
>That's gotta smart!


Attached: gym.webm (480x600, 570.31K)

someome lighter wouldnt have broken their bone like that

Attached: chicken little.webm (264x480, 2.74M)

haha fuckin sharts

>That's not funny. You of all people should know that.

Attached: 158484932118.jpg (211x239, 9.36K)

Attached: 1581722694945.webm (640x640, 2.05M)


>i am!

Attached: lel.jpg (258x360, 55.17K)

dios mio...

>When a CHAD uruk hai rapes a Rivendell elf.

I would but the file is like the average American
Fat, poor quality and full of bullshit

do they really


Attached: DggUiGuV4AEZBXo.jpg (1200x755, 75.07K)

Attached: 1367258843003.png (316x269, 142.54K)

Kek this is the obly general I approve


Fucken idiot

you really shouldn't do this if you're fat
how does this accident happen? i use these machines all the time and i don't think my leg would go this way
it doesn't look like he's being an idiot to me

All gym machines are death traps. Real men exercise with body weight, compound free weights, climbing, swimming, and running.

Attached: 6afa070729a8c24aebc645bd38fd43ba.jpg (1080x1327, 63.81K)

I haven't found a way to pump my biceps and triceps with free weights the way that i can with cables and machines. gravity has a tension curve. obviously i do it all but you really can't beat having constant tension throughout the range of motion

Attached: C49DF00C08594EEDA0FC7EAD84B4AB0F_0.jpg (1080x1350, 176.78K)

Sure do that if you want grotesque unnatural looking muscles that look like complete shit. Calisthenics and compound is where it's at.

Attached: tallBOY.jpg (750x1024, 63.1K)

God I love this women

Attached: big ew.gif (236x236, 527.83K)

Holy fucking based Dimitrius strikes again