When you are overseas on a holiday and you hear the accent of a fellow countrymen in the distance

>When you are overseas on a holiday and you hear the accent of a fellow countrymen in the distance

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Agree, whenever I see another romanian on holiday or even on the internet I get irrationally angry. It's probably genetic memory since back during communism we were the biggest snitches and got around 900.000 of our fellow romanians killed by snitching. Seeing one where you didnt expect meant probable death since he would most likely be listening to you.

Where the fuck can Romanians even afford to go? Next village over?

we meet up with each other, take pictures and laugh at the people not born in the land of the free

I try to escape as quickly as possible also.

I shall never go to France because of that. It is dangerous.

Only leaf I ever met traveling was at a hostel. I told him to give me $40 to buy cocaine then gave him $10 of cocaine and some baking soda and kept the rest. Often I would pretend that I didn't speak English so that Anglo cunts would leave me alone.

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>when you're in Vienna explaining your mother history of the city and you hear your countrymen complaining they'll have nothing to fuck that night and one even jokes how should they fuck each other

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Yeah, this. What is wrong with other countries that they despise their own countrymen so badly?

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Going on a holiday with your mum is cringe.

luckily i dont have the same accent and i look way too white for them to recognise me so i just go as far from them as possible

fuck off from this thread blobs, fat and stupid

There are German literally everywhere. You can go to some small village in Kamchatka and meet at least 2 other German tourists that night.

I live in the middle of nowhere and when I see another American I have to play it off like he’s not there.

I have this dumb thought I am obliged to say hello or something

Indian on holiday abroad when they meet another Indian they immediately consider him their family and start to have lunch and dinners together if they're staying in same hotel. While on dinner they bitch about the host country and how their food sucks and how they miss food in their homeland. I've seen many videos of this occurring.

They aren't tourists user

Of course you're obliged to greet him. From my experience if don't greet him but keep crossing his paths, it becomes way more awkward and tense. So it's best to greet on first meet.

You are Anglo though or you at least sound Anglo from what you've said

inescapable we are. did get some good tips on where to eat in rome from a souvenir shop owner. even drove me to the airport going home haha.

w-what are they if not tourists?

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Locals :)

they go to Moldavia on holidays

How did Germans end up in Kamchatka?

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haha gulag system go srrrrr

and how did Auschwitz go Szymon?

nah, it's pretty based

Camp, sunshine, holiday season
Smoke from the chimney smells like BBQ


Say it again

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Kek, literally my reaction.

>ben retardson