Get off me land white cunt

>get off me land white cunt

Attached: aborginal-pride.jpg (904x678, 92.79K)

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I like the blonde one

I thought these were italians before seeing the filename

I did too kek
Was wondering why the accent

> Blondes and negroes
> Italian
Yeah right

I could fuck all you dogs up

Attached: 1581469761731.jpg (561x1024, 238.77K)

you got 2 dollars brudda?

Attached: noongas.png (1759x794, 2.51M)

Dude in blue has a powerful aura. I'd stick by him in a bad situation.

White Aussies with like 1/8th Abo blood claiming to be Abos is about as cringe as the Amerimutts claiming to be Cherokee or some shit.

its 1/16ths actually sweaty and if you're legally aboriginal you get a whole bunch of extra welfare, programs and scholarships

And despite all these privileges they still all manage to be junkies, alcoholics, and petrol sniffers.

Based bruddah.

Attached: couldn't find da gutta brudda.jpg (960x720, 113.85K)

Feed it to the motherfuckers!


Based Mungo poster. You're sober.

is being a white looking minority the best thing in the world? you get all the free gibs, get treated as white, play the race card and act white when its needed.

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>this was filmed minutes from my house

yahoo lad

It really is here if you have like 10% Native blood you get free state university

I know a few foreigners that could pass as white and their lives have always been on absolute easy mode.

abbos were strong until their physical prowess were tainted by anglo influence

I thought those kids in the pic were full whites? Are you implying that abos actually manage to copulate with whites and make mutt babies in Australia?

That dude in the back has a powerful fucking head.

the only one that looks slightly aboriginal in that picture is the guy with the curly hair

lel please those kids are white as fuck

real abos are blacker than africans

No the 1/16th Abos work at banks in the Sydney CBD

woah bit racist mate they're living very tough lives of racial discrimination
it was the irish

>get off me land white cunt

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the abo BVLL

>ya facking white dog

Attached: aboriginalman.png (555x557, 733.41K)

i've seen alot of pure abos have blonde hair as children, looks cool as fuck

>Some people had to fuck abo women for generations in order for them to become this diluted

Oh lord preserve us

Attached: AboWoman.jpg (239x171, 5.7K)