
Visegrád edition

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It's comfy alone desü.

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>unironically looking forward to releases of new electronics
I don't know when and why but I have become a consoomer

I becoming more and more antisemitic.


You're on the right path.

Shigger nooo :-(

Jews are the women of the nations.

My gf is part Jewish, so anti-Semites are my enemies.

Good morning sunshines :)

Is she an O1G ebic haxxor libsi?

She doesn't like Orbán but she doesn't like the opposition either.

I am hungry and I don't have food on me. I have to wait till noon.

Visegrád? Szarok rád!

Inkább csináljál /ka/-t te buzeráns székely!

God is punishing you for hating Jews.

I used to like Jews, but I just grew tired of their constant moaning about the Holocaust.

I ate like 1800 calories yesterday I wake up hungry but I dont want to eat wtf?

Galko-chan is what every woman should strive to be.

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Lost like 4kg in quarantine

desu it's the opposite for me
still hate them globohomo fucks but i'm less and less angry about Jews in general

>He let the Jews to buy him with Khazar milkers

God knows I could use some big titties on my face right now

they bought me with pictures of dead Palestinian kids desu

wake up dummies

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I mean Irael is based and cool. I have the problem with Jews who live in Hungary.

god the tesco keyboard I bought sucks

Rangeban hungayry.

God damn, I'm so disgustingly fat. Kill me pls.

>at least 40 minutes of exercise every single day for the past week
>ate less, ate more vegetables, no pizza or burgers, drank less beer
>fasted for one whole day
>Still zero (0) weight loss
This is depressing. Maybe my metabolism just slowed down and I‘m becoming an old man.

you woke me up asshole

You need to track your calories