Looking back on 2009-2012 (Obama's first term), it feels weird, like an American Graffiti moment. It was 8-11 years ago, but feels like it may as well have been 40 years ago.
It was the last time pop music was upbeat and not depressing. The last time high schoolers were mostly Late Millennials (1991-1996) and not Zoomers. The last time when teens still had flip phones, were still familiar with rock music somewhat, weren't completely depressed, and still had sex semi-frequently. The last time memes were unassuming stuff like rage comics and not "post-ironic".
The last time before political lines were redrawn in 2013-2014 with SJWs vs. alt-right, Great Awokening, and Woke Capital. The last time where people had faith in neoliberalism, and it wasn't yet seen as a house-of-cards farce.
Maybe Zoomers were right in the end, with their late 00s-early 10s nostalgia. Maybe we really died in 2012.
In america at least, 2009-2012 was one last attempt at resurrecting pre-9/11 optimism. It all fell apart at 2013-2014 with SJWs vs. alt-right and the Great Awokening.
Hudson Cook
Every age of man has been slightly worse than the one that came before it. That said I don’t remember the Obama era as being particularly great, but it was more normal than what we’ve got now
Joseph Ortiz
>That said I don’t remember the Obama era as being particularly great, but it was more normal than what we’ve got now I'm talking about his first term mostly. During his second term, things changed drastically.
things were much different, even the way people communicated, society changes very quickly
Nathan Myers
definitely feels like COVID set the tone for the 2020s, can't think of a parallel for the 2010s.
Gabriel Peterson
2008 Recession and Obama's election started the 2010s. Corona in 2020 ended the 2010s.
Wyatt Morales
The 2020s are going to be fun. Starts off with a near masive war that's immediately interrupted by plague. This is the decade that puts American hegemony in the ground, and things are gonna get a lot more exciting over these next years. I can feel it.
Jayden Nelson
Am I the only one that thinks music was better in the 80s than in 2010s?
Aiden Reed
Remember when AmeriKKKa flooded the streets celebrating the death of Osama?
Hudson Jones
That, again, is just nolstagia talking.
Juan Lewis
Are you disabled cunt. 2009-2013 pop music is literally the lowest point of music history And look at memes and Yas Forums archives of the time it's 9gag level
Connor Allen
this man needs some International Love.
Luke Russell
Tonight, I want all of you tonight Give me everything tonight For all we know, we might not get tomorrow Let's do it tonight
I had the opposite feeling. To me all of this feels as if it happened yesterday. How the fuck did all of this time go by?
Brody Hill
>had faith in neoliberalism Emjoyed your post up until that point.
Anthony Perry
The late 00's and the 10's are indistinguishable from today in my mind. I don't look back at 2012 as a different time - perhaps because nothing significant has happened in my own life in that period. Our brain encodes new experiences, but not familiar ones, into memory, and our retrospective judgment of time is based on how many new memories we create over a certain period. This is why time seems to pass more quickly the older we get. From childhood to early adulthood, we have many fresh experiences and learn countless new skills. As adults, though, our lives become more routine. I've been on NEETbux and accomplished fuck all in the last 11 years, and so 2010 is no different in my memory from 2018.
Wyatt Brown
To me the time period of 2009-2012 seems almost dystopic with how retarded the culture was. Everything is still fucked, and completely bizarre but at least most people seem to be aware of that.
James Roberts
ever taken a peek into zoomer culture?
Aiden Garcia
zoomers are more mature than late millenials, you're just a delusional geezer
Jack Wood
I’m ashamed that you come from my country
Nathan Ramirez
I'm an early zoomer so I grew up with the whole cringe millenial rage comics, party rock,harlem shake bullshit. But yeah when I see bullshit like TikTok, Fortnite dancing, eating tide pods, and drinking boiling water I legit feel like I'm in a sci-fi dystopic movie. It's gonna keep getting worse until civilization gets fully dismantled.
Levi Jackson
Makes me think the whole "let's get radical, that'll shift things to the right direction!" approach is kind of stupid in a time with tons of social media. I guess slow and steady wins the race, as philosopher Jeb(!) used to say. Fortunately this meme didn't get broadcasted as hard here.