> muh it made russia into a superpower and 2nd largest economy
The Russian Empire was already the 4th largest economy in 1913, moving from 6th place in about 20 years.
I was astonished to see so many commies on here
> muh it made russia into a superpower and 2nd largest economy
The Russian Empire was already the 4th largest economy in 1913, moving from 6th place in about 20 years.
I was astonished to see so many commies on here
Other urls found in this thread:
>4th largest economy
>can't afford guns for its soliders
lol nice try leftist homoglobo.
The red army was under the 2nd largest economy and could not do that too
have sex mutt
It's mixed because a surviving Russian empire would easily reach 500 million russians inside it. It would be industrially slower however which is the argument communists make. Ultimately by modern Russia we can see that the bolsheviks made no positive impact. A surviving russian empire would be China tier.
Except China is shittier than Russia. Russia is basically a 1st world country now.
Wh*tes love communism & black penis.
kys commie
I only larp as a commie to shit on americans
That's not Yas Forums, it's modern world. Commies won.
It would not have 500 million. Fertility rates would not stay at 7 until today
Mutt's law
No matter if russia is commie or not commie, it's a shithole because it's russia
>Russia is basically a 1st world country now
>Russia is basically a 1st world country now.
It's really not.
> Moldova
You are the poorest country in europe
>muh it made russia into a superpower and 2nd largest economy
why do you answer your own questions OP
>Ultimately by modern Russia we can see that the bolsheviks made no positive impact
Everything here makes no sense.
My point is that it would have been #2 anyway. Without million dead
They would stay higher WAY longer than in our timeline, hint higher population.
>"""commies""" won
Yes, big corporations are the spearhead of the revolution.
Not really. Those millions would have died anyways due to German genocide.
the empire was already a rotting corpse, ww1 just made things worse
It would have been #1 actually. Sorry John.
You don't need to be a commie to realize that they actually did a good job in Russia
Ok, but let's talk for real now, American fren.
I'm not against creators getting an adequate compensation. I think creation in itself is labor too. What I don't like, and I think should be abolished, is your entitlement to profit off your creation indefinitely and, in the context of a company, the full authoritarian control you have over it. I think that Bezos' levels of wealth are absolutely disgusting. You should keep working on your company if you want to keep getting the fruits of its value creation, and YOU should submit to the decisions of the people that actually make your idea work (see: the workers), not the other way around.
>russian empire couldn't afford cars or guns for its troops
>NPC globalists are still claiming that it could somehow compete with fucking China (which had both of those guns and yes even cars at the time.)
just stating facts
>monkey and blob opinions
refrain from discussing human matters new world scum
As if soviet union, the 2nd world economy could in WWII?
>YOU should submit to the decisions of the people that actually make your idea work (see: the workers), not the other way around.
Americans are too embroiled in their stockholder regime to grasp how stakeholder systems work.
>The red army was under the 2nd largest economy and could not do that too
USSR managed to produce an overabundance of guns in time for WW2
In fact, this is why Hitler rushed to attack USSR - astonished, he realised that even combined industrial might of continental Europe, the richest region on the planet, cannot stand against Socialist productivity, and the gap between third Reich and USSR is closing rapidly.
here is Hitler himself saying he fucked up when he invaded
Im glad europe is getting invaded by non euros, wh*tes deserve to go extint for creating communism & pushing diversity every where they go
They flooded the place after /leftypol/ was kill.
I don't even like communists. I just LARP to get (You)s
Edgy incels being contrarian for the sake of it
Because it was already too late.
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was a huge mistake on Nazi part, they thought that by delaying the conflict with USSR they could widen the economical gap between two nations, because of all the territorial gains Germany made at that time.
For this, they were even ready to sell Soviets useful machinery to boost their production, thinking that this would be nothing more than a drop in the sea in comparison to the factories and labour force the got through their conquests all over Europe.
They thought time was on their side, they were wrong.
Its funny when you post something somewhat leftist and americans start sheeting
>leftist homoglobo.
if anything globohomo is a right wing ideology you absolute brainlet
maybe Hitler jus sucked, he had almost all of europe conquered that have him soldiers to fight in the eastern front, he studied napoleon to not commite the same mistakes, he literally used zerg rushing tactics to invade, and yet he failed so terribly
Neoliberalism is a capitalist and thus right-wing ideology. Actual communists dismiss liberal identity politics.
Apparently Americans don't like honest debate.