Korea will be unified and time to fucking kill Japs and Chinks

Korea will be unified and time to fucking kill Japs and Chinks

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North korea wil unite Korea :)

but Japan and China are stronger than France or UK

May Allah unite the two Koreas, brother.

that's like half of japan or a chinese province

The UK flag is drawn wrong.


It will be unified as a Chinese vassal gook dog

invite more of your brethren here, start by conquering Yas Forums and create your own active general.

zhang ur government cant even unify fucking hong kong

a country composed of the lowest birth rate people with the most starving people on the earth. sure it will thrive.

China will take over NK

Think about who is our president now.

moon jae in

why do you want to kill your friends ._.

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They can, they just don't want it to be too straightforward. Xi Jinping is renowned for his slow and steady perspective.

When Korea reunites you'll be too busy trying to fix the poor north to worry about the japanese and chinese.

China and Japan should will pay
North Korea has yet to receive Japanese colonial reparations. (I think we should get at least 1 trillion yen)
And China has direct responsibility for Korean division.

>And China has direct responsibility for Korean division.
Nice try eternal beggar
Kim Il-sung waged war and almost unify Korea but had to beg for China's intervation when he got bullied

korean division was because of an american invasion. you need to learn history

Why should Japan pay reparations for developing your backwater country?

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Don't worry

Because the america is a ally of South Korea, of course it will support South Korea's reunification and pay some cost

The Korean Peninsula is a bridgehead for the destruction of China.

The america will absolutely make the Korean Peninsula into a knife aimed at China's chin

Pls don't kill us, we saved many koreans from japs during ww2 and we like Viktor Tsoi

Why is korea so perfect?

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I don't know if you notice but we still involved in two wars, syria, and we just blew a shit load of money down the drain, I mean recently, the wars too cost us a lot of money

No one is too interested in another one

yes we already know about thaad aimed at our cities and us soldiers all over korea, But do you want to sacrifice your life for usa

so cute

he's probably pvt gomez

You are mistaken

No matter how strong Middle Eastern countries are, they cannot threaten the hegemony of the United States.
But not China
The power of 1.5 billion people has already made advanced countries in Europe unable to handle China. European countries will not be able to overcome corona virus and immigrants are already destroying Europe

Yes the world will gradually change from the Atlantic to the Pacific-oriented era, and the Korean Peninsula will be at the center of it.

Japan is a defense base for the defense of the America, but the Korean Peninsula is an attack base for attacking China.

The day will come when you americans will go through the Korean Peninsula and attack China for the glory of America.
Of course, I also will be running with a gun next to you
Regardless of our will

and you need to suck cocks, chink

North Koreans are lazy fucks who have been living all their lifes in a commie shithole and never have learnt to work hard and compete. It would be a curse for you to deal with lazy commie n*rdoids.

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짱깨야 닥쳐라
미국 만세!

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Now this is some embarassing larping right here