We're supposed to submit to a police state fascist dictatorship over THIS

>We're supposed to submit to a police state fascist dictatorship over THIS
...they're joking, right?

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If they managed to make people believe the holohoax or Bin Laden's "death" then they can easily do this as well.

It's a experiment. They want to see how the people will react as their basic rights are denied

It has been a long time since the elites started to look at China as a model rather than something to be avoided

this but unironically

>tfw no police state fascist dictatorship

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also this

It's so the medical system can keep up, so people don't just die on the streets.
And these numbers are with massive lockdowns and people with (heavy) symptoms. Multiply it by 15 for a more realistic number without lockdowns.

>dude look the strict quarantine measures are working as planned so what's the point of the quarantine
user I...

I'm not being ironic though
Keep bootlicking West coast faggot

Better millions of deaths than tyranny.

This. I would rather every single American died than we live under a non democratic system



As long as gramgram stays alive to bake me cookies after this blows over, you can stay mad.

Yes, where I live the state has already declared calamity state. Which means that the government can interfere on private property and buy equipments without a public bidding.

The situation is not bad enough to declare it. It's just tyranny

This meme doesn't really apply here.

>I would rather every single American died than we live under a non democratic system
Here's hoping lmao

Why do the Brits hate freedom so much?

What the fuck. This is why the populace needs firearms.

So when is the Swedish health care going to collapse?

Never because they don't have socialized "medicine." Sweden is based as fuck.

be a good boy and obey

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But they have and they have the least amount of ICU beds per capita in the EU still their health care hasn't collapsed. These restrictions are way too overblown. Our hospitals are more empty than normal times and some NPC sheeps are still asking for more restrictions

why are all the Yas Forumstards so up in arms over this, before lockdown started their utopian society was a fascist police state

2bh i'm with the Americans this time. (((They))) are pushing this Orwellian mass surveillance system since the corona outbreak. In America they got scared by Bill Gates and his chip and vaccine but in different part of the world are talking about mass surveillance apps on our phone. It's not even conspiracy anymore since everything is public

It's boomers and/or shills that invaded Yas Forums. It's a really weird 180 they did on this. Back in January-Feb-March they were hyping it up and saying it was going to be a major happening and that it was deadly as hell. Now theres suddenly a bunch of schizo retards saying it's a hoax.

Or maybe now they have realized it's not as deadly. Niggas were like it's the next spanish flu but now that we have more information about it's not as serious. We're starting to see the economical damage what it will cause. I used to be a happooner in the beginning about the virus, now it has shifted to economic meltdown happooner
t. non Yas Forums

t. zionist

Dude spanish flu infected hundreds of millions, This only infected 12~ million and killed almost 200k now. Also we have 21st century medical technology and nearly all countries have some kind of lockdown order.

Now imagine how bad it would be if we did nothing to mitigate this.

Nigga i'm not the one pushing for more surveillance and state control over a meme virus

>Or maybe now they have realized it's not as deadly.
It's only not as deadly because quarantining has kept ICU causes under the tipping point you retard.

Go check the Wuflu threads on /wsg/ or /gif/. This isn't a meme virus.

This hasn't happened in Sweden with less strict restrictions and this should drop people in developing countries like flies where they live in cramped slums without healthcare
With the new information that came out it would appear most people who get this virus are asymptomatic. We're overreacting

i wish it would kill 300 million americans and americans only

>taking stats from 3rd world countries seriously.
Theres videos of Latin America being fucked hard by this right now retard. People literally dying in the streets and morgues/hospitals overflowing with bodybags.

>Americans hate their mundane consoomer lives so much they can’t bear the thought of staying indoors for a few months
I couldn’t imagine being a wife beating, opioid addicted, child neglecting american

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Swedes are not fucking murrishartfats. They do not congregate in churches and praise Jesus if there is a pandemic going on. Just because something still kind-of works for Swedes doesn't mean it's gonna for a more obese, more idiotic and generally more likely to get serious complications from COVID-19 people like Americans and Brits.

Yeah like those videos from china in february people dying on the streets? Why hasn't this happened anywhere else other than vague videos without context?

This wouldn't change anything. Most people actualy support it because the media tells them it's good

I'm not a Yas Forumstard

And that's why we can easily lift some restrictions here. We're even more autistic and do social distancing than them. We also have more ICU beds per capita than Sweden.
Still some people are demanding more restrictions. People have gone crazy over fear mongering

>I would rather every single American died

I agree this quarantine is bullshit, the virus is hardly killing anybody!
I can't wait for them to call off this dumbass lockdown so I can go skydiving again. First time I went skydiving was before the lockdown happened and they made me use this parachute and were like "Dude you have to deploy the parachute or YoU'rE gOiNg To DiE!!" so I did and I didn't even fall that fast and landed safely so what the fuck was the point? I'm not even going to use a parachute next time.

If you want to be hyper skeptical then that's your prerogative. I'm sure you're the kind of retard that trusts Chinese numbers because it's suits your "just a flu" narrative too.


People have always died because of hospital overflowing. It's a common day in Brazil.
Pic related, crowded hospital. From 2010

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There's no reason to not trust on China's numbers.
You're just a conspiratard

So people collapse and die on the streets of Brazil all the time? What a shithole.
Shut up Zhang

bruh what the fuck is this post

I am...NOT a conspiracy theorist...but...there is a reasonable argument to be made that the state wants to see how far it can go with keeping people in their homes. Which worked rather well and there is very little cohesion in blaming the gov. but rather it was about blaming outsiders. Letting the gov. lose heat in a crisis 'they did not cause'

haha yeah could you imagine if big guberdmind could spy and you and shoot you for absolutely no reason, that would be fucking WILD right? good thing we have guns, so we can legally shoot cops if it gets that bad.

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>quarantine is working as intended

PRISM exists, PATRIOT Act still on-line
you allready are slaves, what are you bitching about?

Don't you do social distancing by default?

don't worry, bolsonaro is gonna fix it

>So people collapse and die on the streets of Brazil all the time? What a shithole.
Why do you think it's called third world?
And why didn't you searched before making that post?

Based post
Dumb amerifat

There's nothing wrong with being a conspiracy theorist, your worst fears can become reality at any moment

Why? You will only use guns to kill niggers, never to defened yourself from your goverment.

They're bitching because their idea of freedom is being able to consoom whatever and whenever they want with the wage earned by slaving for Mr. Shekelstein

I think Bolsonaro is just a clown that the elites put in power to distract the people from important matters

But the reason it's that low is because majority of humans are currently in lockdown.