I am a pedophile
I am a pedophile
So what?
Like a hebephile or ephebophile?
nice blog
I'm a practicing christian as well
> I am a pedophile
> I'm a christian
Don't those two always go hand in hand? Also, I'm certain that you are interested only in boys too
I feel you bro
2D or 3D?
Is ok, I'm a shotacon too.
>I am a pedophile
>Hold still, you fucking freak, I've got the cure right here.
>Not on my watch
>dude day of the rope lmaoo
>its happening its happening
>shareblue shill
>help trump share this on facebook
we have a german pedophile in our general(/cum/)
are you ok?
better than you, that's for sure
Did you know that all oldfags are pedos? This board used to post cp on a daily basis.
>imagine liking this shit
>better than you
it's not a very hard thing to do
bloody nonce
lots of german speakers are muslims and turks, look how rampant pedo threads are in kohlchan.
i look at their Yas Forums and Yas Forums once, literal islam shill thread on the first page and multiple explicitly pedo threads on the catalogs.
If you just fap to loli and stay away from my little sister then you are cool with me, pedo man.
Who are you quoting?
I don't get why Yas Forums is so against pedophilia, this board support boys love, why not child love?
thats fucking gay
>this board support boys love
>this board support boys love
Come back during Euro hours, American hours is all about Olmecs.
Imagine the kind of freak you’d have to be to like 13 year old titties. It disgusts me to imagine someone thinking about grabbing a little girl’s cute tiny boobs and fondling her adorable nipples. Imagine how depraved you have to be to think about suckling on a young teenager’s beautiful little chest and listening to her moan. God it horrifies me.
Being a pedo is normal, it's just that the current world likes to live in hypocrisy so most people deny it
Yes, but is cute so it's ok.