What are your plans following the wholesale collapse of America and the Western way of life?

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we need to adopt the islamic way of life.

Why does he keep q-tips inside his suit jacket? Seriously. he took out like a handful from inside his jacket. The hell's with that?

They just don't want to wear masks. They are really like crying babies. They deserve the number of deaths bc they are actually acting like 5yo kids.

Caesarism here we come!

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>may not survive the quarantine
Fixed. The virus itself is irrelevant. The Western way of life already died 75 years ago btw.

The dialectics are in motion.

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The only choice this world really have is Russian or Chinese way of life.

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Your own disgusting bug kind will you way before they kill us

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Yeah i'm thinking this is based

i always respected heavens mandate that china is the middle kingdom and the rightful controller of our solar system and even galaxy

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>Jan 22 - 150 dead
>Feb 22 - 1500 dead
>Mar 22 - 15,000 dead
>April 22 - 170,000 dead
>May 22 - 2,000,000 dead
>June 22 - 20,000,000 dead
>July 22 - 200,000,000 dead
>Aug 22 - 2,000,000,000 dead
>Sept 22 - ?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

Choose Russian, it's soulful and we have vodka.

please go back to canada/australia

This is actually true. The help Russia sent to countries like Italy while Germany and Czechia were seizing masks and other supplies showed EU citizens that EU solidarity was only a fairy tale.

>please go back to canada/australia

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>please go back to canada/australia

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It's literally just the old and sick(obese niggers)dying. My state is already reopening

Every state was reopening you retard. Liberals in WA have only one more week to go. Only trumptards are politicizing this because they hate whites and love Israel.


>we need to adopt the islamic way of life.
That's where the West's Way of Life came from.

I will take over the ruins of the american government and establish the New Holy American Empire

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I'll be fine.

Not you.

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(((western way of life))) being a kike coopted term meaning wealth sunk into brainless consumerism with a healthy dose of parasites leeching tax money? my life has been relatively frugal. i don't care, i never saw much wealth in the first place.

Don't know, don't care. I seriously hope this thing kills me, but not before killing a shitload of other people, first.

10,000,000,000 deaths by october, leading the population to be -2,000,000,000

Imagine being Trump and instead of investing into infrastructure and healthcare, and nationalizing telecommunications, energy, and the media you instead bleat about a wall to redneck hicks you have spit on your whole life as a New York billionaire for hours on end.

Western way of life survived spanish flu and two world wars. We’ll be fine.

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The Judeo-Christian values of The West have survived far worse than a few bad cases of the sniffles, we'll be just fine.