the good old days -edish
Years of Lead were mental
enjoy all my salads in a 9cm radius
Harlow, Churchill, Roosevelt, JR Seeley are good reads on the Empire
>There is something very characteristic in the indifference which we show towards this mighty phenomenon of the diffusion of our race and the expansion of our state. We seem, as it were, to have conquered and peopled half the world in a fit of absence of mind... nor have we even now ceased to think of ourselves as simply a race inhabiting an island off the northern coast of the Continent of Europe. We constantly betray by our modes of speech that we do not reckon our colonies as really belonging to us; thus if we are asked what the English population, is, it does not occur to us to reckon-in the population of Canada and Australia.
- The Expansion of England from 1883
>During the past three centuries the spread of the English-speaking peoples over the world's waste spaces has been not only the most striking feature in the world's history, but also the event of all others most far-reaching in its effects and its importance. The tongue which Bacon feared to use in his writings, lest they should remain forever unknown to all but the inhabitants of a relatively unimportant insular kingdom, is now the speech of two continents. The Common Law which Coke jealously upheld in the southern half of a single European island, is now the law of the land throughout the vast regions of Australasia, and of America north of the Rio Grande. The names of the plays that Shakespeare wrote are household words in the mouths of mighty nations, whose wide domains were to him more unreal than the realm of Prester John. Over half the descendants of their fellow countrymen of that day now dwell in lands which, when these three Englishmen were born, held not a single white inhabitant; the race which, when they were in their prime, was hemmed in between the North and the Irish seas, to-day holds sway over worlds, whose endless coasts are washed by the waves of the three great oceans.
-Winning of the West, Roosevelt
need a gf that will let me fuck her over a dismembered skinned tranny that would be hot
mad how britain had to drag the rest of the planet kicking and screaming out of the stone age
Remember that yank who claimed the British Empire never existed because we didn't have an Emperor
irrelevant southern leftist jews
watch your tone bud
That's me and I've been posting for about 10 minutes now lad. And I'm still right. There was never a British Emperor, except for possibly the Gaulish emperors of Roman times
what's up lad x
playing some warzone x
You have a severe case of "aksyually"-itis that compels you to say dumb things and go against all common sense
whats your name i'll join ya
>hurr durr nameless historians i cant quote agree with me trust me bro
i hate pseuds so fucking much
theyre certain that they're right because someone with a tiny amount of academic authority said something to them and now they go around touting an ideology they can't even back up themselves
I know. I've just been studying and mastering this so hard. Many experts in their field are like this.
squads full vf maybe another time
clutching at straws mate
fuck off twat
anyone else proper fucking despise yanks with a burning passion
>British Empire wasn’t an empire because it didn’t have a leader who formally called themselves emperor
Holy autism, Batman.
cringe the way yanks talk like us now but it does prove that there culture is beta
>tiny amount of academic authority
>no names
Harlow was Rhodes Professor of Imperial History at King's College
Seeley is one of the most famous British historians of all time
Churchill and Roosevelt were both incredibly educated historians
weak bait
*meekly raises a tentative paw*
Morning lads
is he here again?
he was doing that a few weeks ago ahah he's actually braindead
no definition of an empire includes having an emperor, at most it will say usually ruled by an emperor
>Be a faggot
>Start taking tranny pills to cope with being a faggot
>Become a tranny
>Sike, I actually wanna fuck women
What in the actual fuck goes on in the minds of these "people"?
if anything british youth talk like americans. can't tell you how many say dude now and bro
If you can show me a British emperor, i'd be very surprised desu, because there were none
just searched google for largest most successful empire of all time, it said british
I dont have to, my 4 mans full
>Want me to quote what he actually said
>dont need to you're wrong
>Want me to show an understanding of why he said what he said, and how he came to the conclusion
>dont need to you're wrong
bloody pseuds i tell ya lads
theyd agree the earth was shaped like a pyramid without question if a famous scientist told them so
What does receptive anal sex feel like?
no mate yanks on here that use our flag talk like yanks thats were you are getting that idea from
american culture is beta thats why you come into the british culture thread like all europeans you're drawn to us like a moth to a flame, the weak always revere the strong
my life
yanks even wank off aussies the closest people to us and revere them because the weak are drawn to the strong its just a fact of life
Don't really read green text if its more than 2-3 lines long depending on the content of it
Sort your arse out
Never was such a thing, mayhaps you meant the Commonwealth, which was not an empire
fart in england
probably like an endless poo
google things otherwise and i think its a lot more intelligent than you
What does Google say about the Constitution of the British Empire or the title of British Emperor
we have got a monarchy mate simple as
Emma Watson.
fairly sure we did have emperors and it was quite controversial
Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in 2005: "In 10 or 15 years, the EU will be a place where civilizations meet. It will be a superpower with the inclusion of Turkey."[15]
Never an emperor though
corona virus or hay fever, imagine being allergic to pollen
>I was almost forced to admit i was wrong
>but it appears you greentexted more than 2 lines so i dont have to read it
>heheheh feels good being an intellectual
emma fartson
making an absolute fool of yourself on a world stage