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What's your honest, non-meme opinion on sushi/sashimi?
Nicholas Flores
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Bentley Rivera
I like it
I make it for work
Lincoln Torres
I love sushi and sashimi, i would unironically eat it everyday if i could
Anthony Clark
Eel sushi is bretty good.
Joshua Harris
sashimi is really boring since it's just raw fish, but the rest of japanese culinary is really good
Nathan Richardson
It's good, though you don't get full on the usual 12 pieces and it's rather expensive
Ayden Cruz
the fucking best. I love seafood in general, but sushi/sashimi (both japanese and the americanized version) have such a variety of flavors and styles... East Asian cuisine is far superior. God I want sushi but I dont want corona from the food drivers.
Jacob Robinson
I eat it maybe once every month or two.
Luis Phillips
Why does that shit matter to begin with. It's not even the best Japanese food
Owen Nguyen
Hate it, I just can't into sushi and it weirds me out because both my brothers and my circle of friends are the kind of people who would go "Hey let's order some sushi!" and everyone agrees because they look forward to it.
I just can't like it.
Lucas Reyes
Juan Ramirez
Two of my favorite foods, especially unagi rolls
Camden Bailey
Jeremiah Walker
Just another invention by SEA BVLLS stolen by East Asyanos.
Owen Lewis
American sushi >>>>>> Japshit
Logan Long
love them if only they aren't so expensive
Luke Taylor
overpriced meme
Noah Bailey
Good. But, california roll is fucking out of question.
Grayson Clark
I like it
Anthony Nelson
Brody Young
overpriced af, i would rather have some jap soup or ramen
>all jap food restaurants are overpriced af
>half of the time chinese food restaurants serve the food from the previous day and it tastes bland and awful
why does asian food suck here
Gavin Powell
Nice stuff
Fish hardly ever satisfies one's hunger
Angel Ross
Jaxon Clark
sushi should also be made from quality pork and beef
Tyler Parker
I like the ones we have here in Brasil, usually people just put whatever the fuck comes to mind in them, and they are delicious
Jose Hernandez
It’s good but I usually just go to casual conveyor belt restaurants so I can get a lot for cheap
You can get horse sashimi here
Evan Hall
overrated garbage
Hunter Diaz
Korean food is where it's at my friend.
Jaxon Brooks
I don’t like most of it, but the types I do like I love (especially Toro)
Ryan Scott
ive never eaten it but isnt uncooked fish extremely dangerous? full of parasites?
lmao someone google japanise parasite rates or raw fish related diseases, i bet their statistics are extremely high
Aiden Brown
Owen Edwards
I wouldn’t expect a landlocked country to understand seafood
Henry Ramirez
Yes someone help this poor Slav. His countries internet speed is too slow for him to use Google
Brayden Diaz
I like sushi but the idea of sashimi makes me sick. I mainly stick to the very westernised sushi though
Matthew Johnson
do you see a bunch of worms moving around in your poop?
Mason Wilson
Fucking love tuna