Do people in America unironically think this is a more trustworthy news source than something like CNN when it's all...

Do people in America unironically think this is a more trustworthy news source than something like CNN when it's all the same shit?

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That's only diehard Republicans.
Also no, Fox News is objectively garbage compared to CNN.

Just boomers. My grandad was a normal non political person until he started watching this

China Daily and RT are the only trustworthy news sources here.

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my parents certainly do

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got the original of that?

don't know about other countries, but all of u.s. msm is a hyperpartisan shitshow at this point

I didn't save the original but this should be it.

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At least CNN doesn't tell people that the pandemic is a hoax

you're unironically better off with foreign media like RT

how the fuck can the economist skew in any direction? They report the market and do investigative journalism

there is only one choice

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whoops I was thinking of ft

It's about the same as CNN and MSNBC

>how the fuck can _____ skew in any direction? They report the market and do investigative journalism

>skews conservative
>The Atlantic
>>corporate media has minimal partisan bias

This whole chart is cancer.

lol, whoever made this has shit for brains.

Both are horrible, blatantly biased bullshit talking down to the retarded masses, set in polarizing directions. It's a shame because, once upon a time, CNN was actually better. But not anymore.

one political scientist said that since trump got elected its the closest thing to "state tv" america has had

thank fox news for that

>political scientist

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>political scientist

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>the guardian
>the hill
>the economist

>great in-depth sources of news

The economist and the guardian are good though

people don't watch that crap to get informed or because it's trustworthy. they watch it because comforts them and reinforces all the stupid and demented stuff they believe/think.

people don't want to be told they're wrong, stupid, and all the stuff they think is mistaken. they want to be told they're right and know the super secret. that video game developer who said americans only like to be positive encouragement and have the attention span of goldfish was on point.

they're all doped up on all sorts of drugs unaware of reality having their fantasies fulfilled and living vicariously through television

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>Back in 2017, the New Republic’s Alex Shephard floated a similar argument, writing that “Donald Trump is treating Fox News like state TV.”


Literally Who's Literal Who? Wow, sounds very unbiased, non-partisan, and something worth listening to.

NPR is for



WaPo is not unbiased, since Trump it has become very left wing to the point that I stopped reading it. They were literally running pro-socialist op-ed pieces as "news" in 2018-2019 (and still probably are)

The secret is that all of our news outlets are state TV. I was mocking you because you unironically give validity to political scientists

>wsj and nyt not having a partisan bias lmao

Maybe their proper team doesn’t. But the opinion editors admit they are left wing

Reuter’s and NPR are the only news sources in the us that are truly unbiased. CNN has become garbage partisan trash

Btw, I’m not defending right wing partisan shit, as I despise them even more generally speaking. But this image is very very wrong.

I also just noticed slates position, the person who made this must have been on drugs.

Also there’s cspan and voa but they’re public so yeah