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official thread anthem:
IAF anthem for my airforce bros:
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official /isr/ best girl poll
מה הולך כפרות שלי ?
מה משחקים\רואים\קוראים ולמה עושים קוום בהסגר ?
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official thread anthem:
IAF anthem for my airforce bros:
official thread anime
official /isr/ best girl poll
מה הולך כפרות שלי ?
מה משחקים\רואים\קוראים ולמה עושים קוום בהסגר ?
Incoming Americans posting in Hebrew
why would americans know hebrew you speak english dont you ?
America is Jewish
is it true many americans only know 1 language ? i had 3 mandatory in HS and most people knew an additional one.
Everyone learns English in school. We're taught Spanish(no one remembers it though because education is shit here)and sometimes French but that's usually optional.
Because it's shameful to be a Jew and not know Hebrew. That's basically how you get cucked.
nah americans are not jewish
yea same here, i had hebrew english arabic and french in HS and i barely remember anything in arabic and french
im kinda jealous of my sister she speaks hebrew,english,arabic,russian and farsi fluently shes really good at languages
>nah americans are not jewish
Lol you've never been here? We're practically Jewish. All our schools are taught by Jews, and it really shows.
>התחושה הזאת כשעדיין אין חברה סמוראית מגבעתי
זה די חכם ביבי יכול לחזור לתפקיד לפני הבחירות ולחרבן על כל ההחלטות שגנץ עשה
Based Ayaposter
patrician taste my senpai
I used to hate africans,peersians and so on well i still do but i realized that ALL races suck.
So now i hate everybody and wish an asteroid will wipe out this shit show.
Humanity is a mistake.
We should have stayed apes and never evolved.
Our evolution only caused suffering to us, other animals and the destruction of the planet - forests, oceans and so on.
>כל ימי הרגליים שהפסדתי בכלל שהסינים חייבים לאכול מרק עטלף
לא אמרת שאתה עוזב ?
שחכתי תמונה
הולי שיט זה אמיתי ?
wtf I love the hebrew now
>הוא חושב שזה באמת שחר
I'm starting to like aya
שחר זה לא אדם אחד,שחר זה רעיון
כמו בטמן כששחר אחד עוזב שחר חדש צריך להחליפו
What is his IQ? I guess 92.
IQ isn't real. Shahar has street smarts
Guess again
i want my foreskin back jewish bros
recent research estimates shahar's iq to be around 33*(-1)^(1/2)
Shahar looks like he'd get kidnapped outside Gaza by falling for Arab pussy over tinder.
89? If I go any lower, he's basically mentally retarded.
that's aya?
Needs braces