Mashallah, I might migrate to Japan after all

Mashallah, I might migrate to Japan after all

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Islam is the fast growing religion in earth for a reason. I reverted and slowly my family is reverting, it is not surprising Japan will soon follow the sunnah.

InshAllah brother, can't wait to pray side by side with our Japanese brothers

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I would also like to see:
Mexican Muslims
Italian Muslims
Chilean Muslims

I would also really love to see a mosque in every town and more muslims attending

they're probably more devout than 90% here

You sandniggers are the worst subhumans on the planet

You'll all get beheaded by mexican cartels soon.
Fuck you niggers and your piss religion

Piss be upon Mohammed

I will pray for you Brazillian brother. You are welcome in Islam.

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I'm not that slur, I am white but that doesn't matter in Islam. We are one big ummah, no differences will divide us. Why do you hate muslims so much? Fear and ignorance?

The only reason I afraid to convert to Islam is wasting time.
If I only need to do 5 minutes pray as meditation then it is OK, but seriously, all that rigorously pray for many times a day?
I have been to mosques in many countries from 3rd world to 1st world and the conclusion is Islam is waste of time logically speaking.


calm down, he's just larping

dig a hole. shit it in. roll in it and kys carlos piece of shit

It doesn't exceed 45 mins a day total

Can pray 1 time a day for 5 minutes or not praying at all as a muslim?
Is believing is enough, brother?

I shit on Mohammed and then wipe my ass with the Quran.

>giving (YOU)s to obvious trolls.

tfw muslims use bidet, feels comfy and clean

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OK I know, however too many times
my friend usually using the toilet space or designated praying area for praying, and it's disrupting the flow of our team.

And can pray 1 time a day for 5 minutes or not praying at all as a muslim?
Is believing is enough, brother?
If believing is enough then I think I will start reading Qu'ran for once.

Why are Abrahamic religions so devastating to indigenous culture? Muslims in Southeast Asia are tripping over themselves to become as Arab as possible.

One could argue that this is a good thing, if all are followers of Islam there would be no need ethnic conflict.

well you're required to pray 5 times a day, but a lot just don't even pray

Lets just I struggled a bit when I tried toilet paper for the first time

>my friend usually using the toilet space
praying in the bathroom? wtf. Also your co-worker can pray later, if hes working its fine he can pray after his work

It's not like you will be kicked out for not carrying your obligations, however we must remember one thing vietbro
This life is temporary. You will die one day, your team will not save you from the hell fire.

I suggest you look into Islam more and make sure you are true with your heart and soul first.

this is not true
because the same argument can be apply to any religion or no religion at all.

>well you're required to pray 5 times a day, but a lot just don't even pray
>will not save you from the hell fire.

Who should I believe? lol

I think I will give Qu'ran a try, I have always thought Arabic and Middle East region culture are incredibly attractive.

False. You latinos are worse.

I'm not telling you not to pray. I'm just saying that a lot aren't that devout. At least thats what I've experienced here

I should gather a lot of good resources for those seeking info on islam, a copypasta. Too bad that making an /islam/ general gets deleted by mods.

In theory it could survive on /x/. There is a lot of discussions about demon worship and working with djin.


Be careful with that 5 letter word!
/lit/ discusses islam sometimes. I just think we need a /religion/ board

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You have to pray five times a day. Don't follow those who are lazy.