China has been all over the news lately. But all the shit they show on Fox and CNN is absurd yellow peril propaganda. It's so hard to get a read on what China is really like. There is no English news source online I can turn to for a realistic, unbiased account of Chinese internal politics and daily life.
Obviously China has some issues. So does every country. But is China really the evil authoritarian hellscape American propaganda makes it out to be? Is President Xi the second coming of Hitler? Are people in China all brainwashed zombies denied human rights? Is free speech there really that much of an issue there? Do people eat bats and shit in the street? What is life like for a middle class Chinese person?
Sorry for the wall of questions, but I'm dying for sensible information that isn't "China bad, American good".
They are a dictatorship so by definition they are a shithole. Middle class Chinese are most like middle class people elsewhere. Free speech is an issue, people get censored online and can be arrested. Eat bats and shit, really don't know.
Oliver Carter
I've been to China numerous times to visit relatives even though I don't speak the language The air is shit I can't use websites I normally go to (Yas Forums surprisingly isn't banned though) Almost everyone smokes even on the trains I've seen beggars and homeless people on subways and outside (one man was literally facing the ground face flat with bent knees like he's bowing because he was desperate for anything and another man had no hands) With that said, the people I've met were a mixed bag but that's like any other country My cousins are the exact opposite of every negative Chinese stereotype you can think of but I'm not gonna go ahead and say there's no ground on why those stereotypes exist in the first place. You know damn well why they do
Easton Jenkins
A lot of Chinese people complain about the government policies online. This is all allowed. The big no-no is trying to organize something against the CCP. I don't think Chinese people notice their lack of free speech, since they can say anything as long as its not political. I mean, most people anywhere don't post political stuff on their social media. Sometimes they even protest the local government. Then the CCP swoops in and takes the side of the protesters to look heroic. Xi Jinping is the most authoritarian leader since Mao. In Shanghai, Beijing, and other Tier 1 cities, it's basically a first-world life. When I went there, I didn't see any street shitting or exotic animals. But as soon as you leave these top cities, you start seeing a lot of it. If you have any specific questions I can try to answer.
Samuel Fisher
Also details I left out Copyright is non-existent, I saw stuff using IP that'd make lawyers have a heart attack I can recall an experience where I went to a food market and they literally crammed live ducks into a small glass box (the kind they use as fish tanks) I never got closer because I was a kid and even I was disturbed greatly by this
Chinese anti censorship memes are hilarious I once asked my mom how to say Grass Mud Horse in Chinese and she started giggling and told me to repeat it I did and she slapped me in the face and demanded how I found out about it
Hudson Stewart
China is the shining beacon of hope for all of mankind. Their goal is multipolar world where nations fairly cooperate with each other with mutual respect on equal footing to achieve win-win deals and where each nation is free to choose its own path to economic development and prosperity. China promotes science, technology, virtue and charity. President Xi is the greatest statesman of the modern world. Check out Caleb Maupin and Jeff J. Brown's China Rising Radio for a new perspective on China. Dare to invent the future, embrace Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Based Nobody eats bats in China you vegemite-munching faggot, that's Palau.
While in China you can definitely feel that you're in an authoritarian place. The visa application is tedious, you need to submit your phone number whenever you sign up in an app (you cannot use apps without signing up; they will ask for your documents when you buy the SIM). The police is always supposed to be informed about your movements: you have to register at the local police station when you move in, and register again when you move to another place.
Also weird stuff with the internet: it's pretty easy to be banned on WeChat, messages disappear if you send sensible stuff, and VPNs are sometimes cracked down when there is some political event.
But China is much more developed than what the average Yas Forumstard believes though, so there's that. A middle class Chinese person in a 1st tier city has a lifestyle comparable to that of Southern Europe I'd say.
If you believe authoritarian=bad, China is indeed bad. But China does kinda prove that democracy isn't always the best option. The Chinese do know that their government isn't perfect, but they justify what they do because their living standard has been improving constantly for decades.
Hygienic standards when it comes to food are indeed lower than in the West.
24/7 school is all east asian countries to be fair
Andrew Sanders
>communism >virtue
Robert Clark
I understand it’s Asian culture, but getting burnt out like that is soul destroying. Best case scenario is that they all end up at the same universities we go to anyway - so what’s the point?
Jose Taylor
Shanghai was pretty much like any other big city I've been to. People were generally polite. What food I had was good, but admittedly being used to Finnish food safety standards I didn't partake of street and restaurant cuisine all that much.
Andrew Ramirez
No I agree, it's retarded and pointless. I have heard though that East Asian universities are complete memes where people just have fun for 4 years. It's probably the most chill period of their lives.
Jose Miller
Why aren't taiwan, hong kong, tibet and xinjiang free to chose their own paths?
Chase Carter
>I once asked my mom how to say Grass Mud Horse in Chinese and she started giggling and told me to repeat it >I did and she slapped me in the face and demanded how I found out about it What?
Julian Long
I am Chinese, China is okay
Andrew Hall
But they trade that for their childhood. All universities are piss ups anyway. An excuse to be a top shagger.
Nicholas Rogers
In Chinese, it sounds similar to their version of Fuck Your Mother
Noah Martin
The point is the admission to Chinese universities for Chinese nationals is entirely based on the Gaokao, so they need to ace the exam.
Easton Ross
Oh, okay. Thoughts on Gaokao?
Anthony Perry
Because they aren't nations you brain-damaged retard, they're all part of China. Tibet and Xinjiang prefer to be part of China. Even the Dalai Lama has admitted that Tibet is better off as part of China. Hong Kong is a part of China that was stolen by the British. The deal for the return of the territory was that they would have One Country, Two Systems for 50 years and in 2049 Hong Kong would be reintegrated fully into the PRC. Read a book instead of gargling the regurgitated diarrhea the US media feeds you.
The republic of china has far higher living conditions without communism
Adam Peterson
Sounds like Hell
Jackson Cruz
I understand Gaokao is supposed to even the playing field for Chinese education, but perhaps I’m wrong. There surely could be more efficient ways of going about it. It isn’t just China that’s like that anyway.
Grayson Watson
I guess my main question is should we be afraid of China? What's their endgame?
Is it really naive to think that China just wants agency and prosperity in their own neck of the woods - the same way the United States gets to control the western hemisphere?
The news would have you believe that China is set on world domination and taking over other countries. My gut tells me this isn't true. They want to be powerful and prosperous, like any other nation.
Robert Robinson
India has far worse living conditions with democracy, your point?
Levi King
But China is already going through a gradual process of revoking Hong Kong’s autonomy before 2047.
Aaron Thompson
That's managing one island you fucking idiot. Shanghai has a similar population and better living conditions. Compare China to a democracy of similar size like India and see the results.
John Fisher
Taiwan has never belonged to the people's republic of china, cope harder nigger. As for the other three, you are holding them against their will
Jace Richardson
if you want palatable "propaganda" from china i like daniel dumbrill's youtube channel
Chase Carter
Because they're one island with 20 million people compared to the 3rd largest nation on Earth with 1.4 billion people you fucking retard. Taiwan has an HDI of 0.880 and the PRC has an HDI of 0.758. It's a significant difference but hardly insurmountable. Most of the coastal provinces of China have comparable HDIs already, the interior provinces that are taking longer to develop because they require more infrastructure development are what weigh it down. Regardless, the PRC's HDI jumps roughly 0.007 points per year which will give the PRC "very high" human development in the latter half of the 2020s.
Kevin Gray
My point is that chinese culture and democracy are compatible
Jordan Ramirez
If that's your question, whether or not China is authoritarian or a liberal democracy or a utopia or a shithole is irrelevant. Countries are constantly competing against each other to be top dog. The EU/UK is our "friend?" No. They are our allies, and we'll stop being allies if it stops being convenient. America's prosperity is a direct result of our status as the global hegemon. That's why any competitor has to be squashed, whether its the totalitarian communist USSR, or 1980s democratic capitalist Japan. China, like any other country, should only be as powerful and prosperous as we allow them to be.
John Williams
Because hindus are dirty savages. Ill never understand the big population=communism necessary meme
Cameron Roberts
Lol sounds like india superpower 2020 meme. China has been saying they're gonna surpass the us for years but im still waiting
Matthew Reyes
Where the fuck did I say the opposite? Taiwan being more developed doesn't mean anything, especially considering that their living standards already increased considerably during the Japanese period
Nathan Scott
How? By not demanding that fugitives wanted for murder be extradited to the Mainland for trial? The US demands Julian Assange and countless other whistleblowers be extradited to the US from wholly independent countries to be jailed for telling the truth about America's fucked up actions and nobody could give a shit. >Taiwan has never belonged to the people's republic of china It de jure does and de facto will soon enough faggot. >As for the other three, you are holding them against their will Source? I literally just provided you quotes from the fucking Dalai Lama saying that Tibetans want to be part of China and seek further economic development. Why doesn't the US let Puerto Rico, Guam and the other territories it stole by force have "freedom and democracy?" Puerto Rico has millions of people and receives no representation in the US House and Senate. How is that "free and democratic?" Daniel Dumbrill is good. Jeff J. Brown and Caleb Maupin are my favorites personally, you should check them out too.
Leo Morris
Watch ‘China Uncensored’ featuring Chris Chappell.
They already surpass the US in PPP GDP dumbfuck. They're expected to surpass the US in nominal GDP by the middle of the decade. Now that the US economy is about to shit itself for the umpteenth time, it might happen sooner. >B-BUT THEY'RE INDIAN THAT DOESN'T COUNT Nice goalpost moving faggot. Cope harder.
Oliver Young
>big population=communism necessary meme The thing is uneducated population=authoritarianism necessary. This was the also the case in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore. Why the fuck would democracy help China? They already got massive FDI levels without the inefficiencies of democracy.
Juan Jones
im chinese and im not even this pro china, you're kinda cringe bro
Kevin Sanders
I love it how he makes zhangs seethe
Thomas Evans
Isn't he backed by the Falun Gong? You know, Chinese Scientology?