Attached: SmartSelect_20200421-082603_Flipboard.jpg (1439x1446, 878.72K)
Based if true
Samuel Ward
David Phillips
Sort of the opposite of what you’re supposed to do in science
Adrian Richardson
Didn't the US try to buy exclusive rights to a vaccine just because they were too stupid to make their own? Really makes you think. The Left truly is dying.
Hunter Richardson
I hope some irrelevant country like the UK finds a therapeutic drug that works instead of the chinks.
Nicholas Adams
Idk navarro is claiming the chinese want it first so they can sell it to the world, but I think they would give it out for free to look good
Matthew Garcia
mutts' double speak again
>All Chinese data are fake
>God damn Chinese stops giving us data
Charles Taylor
It's the chinese virus. The international community will never believe your conspiracy theory
Landon Morgan
>curve suddenly drops
>first world nations are handling it worse than fucking china of all places
yeah sure bud
Henry Baker
>Fox Business
Why would China upload the entire genome of the virus to the internet within a week with unrestricted access only to 'hold back" data (what kind of data?) to fuck over the US? Mutts have the world's biggest victim complex, its so fucking cringey.
Parker King
Imagine being such a brainwashed sheep you can't even go online do a simple Google Search. Look for the virus lab at Fort Detrick was shut down by CDC, those mysterious "lung cancer" caused by vaping right after, then US athletes went to Wuhan World Military Game in Wuhan in October (150+ went and not a single gold medal), the fact US athletes were living right next to the animal market, all can be confirmed via US sources.
Camden Myers
Aren't there fucking anti-quarantine protests in your country? In China, these people would have been shot.
Jose Taylor
i didn't say the us was first world. i was talking about euro nations
>In China, these people would have been shot.
so the curve drops because china is mass executing its people. gotcha
Hudson Wilson
Imagine being such a brainwashed sheep you believe everything the communist party tells you to. Find one person that's not a brainwashed mainlander that doesn't know that the origins of the virus are the wuhan wet market
Jonathan Johnson
America is the virus. China is the parasite that will make the world kill the virus. It's like malaria and syphilis.
John Nguyen
as long as the mutts and chinks suffer, it's based for me
Charles Morgan
Have fun with you sinking capital you one-named faggot
Austin Peterson
No those are astroturf bullshit. It's literally jsut zionists and leftists like Trump trying to force their weakness and feminine mindsets onto the rest of us.
Hudson Wilson
i meant it figuratively, hardline enforcement of measures will provide results
meanwhile, the western world is still going on about whether people should be wearing masks in public
Thomas Bennett
Why is America so far behind China when it comes to medical science? Why aren't they leading this fight? Trump really has weakened us. It's like he made us a tranny country.
Parker Lopez
This boomer doesn't know you have to shave the beard masks to be effective
Brody Price
Wait a sec the mask is even upside down lmao
Samuel Reed
Thailand and Vietnam handle this virus better than any western country. Stop your bullshit please. first world =/= good at handling pandemic
Isaiah Rogers
Facts are facts, at least those can be confirmed via multiple sources. Unlike eating bats, Wuhan virus lab, China covering up which are actually groundless rumors but yet you worthless pigs are willing to believe anyways, talking about double standard.
Owen Hernandez
Also, remember how many Europe and US CDC screaming mask is not effective, meanwhile everyone in Vietnam is required to wear a mask
Sebastian Roberts
medical science =/= disease control
You know that masks help but there's nothing you can do if you don't have enough masks.
Cameron Nguyen
The virus most likely originating in a wuhan wet market is confirmed by far more sources than your crackpot theory. Give me one source that's not a ccp front
Daniel Wilson
China's highest penalty given to the ones coofing to others is death penalty (nobody's killed by that though), plus no one dares to go against CCP because tiananmen square 1989 tanks goes vroooooooom
About Euros, they're just fining some money and USA is just going full freedom and is desperately wanting to get back to work for their Jewish boss, so it just won't work as good
Nork can also do it better than pretty much everyone, they just shoot all people that coofs
Josiah Ward
>Is the wealthiest and most advanced nation on Earth
>Is somehow incapable of producing paper cups with elastic bands on them
Aiden Hall
That's one theory but there are problems with it. The first known patient had no connection to the seafood market and neither did about 11 or 12 of the original 43 patients. They think it could have been brought into the market from outside and then contaminated the market.
Christian Martin
That market is just the first known cluster. There's evidence to suggest that the virus was spread in humans as early as September.
Nathaniel Gomez
So why did it take so long to spread? This a lot more contagious than the flu
Jayden Jones
It mutated between then to become the contagious virus we now know.
Austin Brown
And it appears to mutated less deadly now. In that aircraft carrier everyone were tested 60% were asymptomatic and only 1% needed hospitalization
Colton Johnson
>And it appears to mutated less deadly now
Possible. There's a few strains of the virus out there atm. It could in part explain why mortality rates vary so greatly.