>you're a cunt
>is it normal to want to be inseminated by a well built Mediterranean BVLL in you're a cunt?
You're a cunt
>1. bp
>2. yes, hairy and uncut too
God I wish that was me (no homo)
no, american men are better
why do American girls travel here for sex so much?
don't they have men in your country?
Lisbon, Porto and the Algarve are all full of pasty Anglo and American girls looking for sex sex sex with Portuguese men
>Whore bragging about her whore adventures
Why is this allowed?
>SEA included
fake map
it's actually just a map of cheap holiday resorts for first world countries
SEA is where Japanese women bored of their herbivore "men" go to get laid
in SEA even the girls have cocks, it's a paradise for repressed Japanese women
Because Iberian and Mediterranean BVLLS are hot as fuck obviously (no homo)
>american men
yes, white american men are the best
t. chi
how so?
>(no homo)
you keep saying that over and over again
you don't have to with us user, Portugal is among the most gay friendly countries in the world
euro boys are so much cuter and better
But user I'm not gay I just want a Portuguese hunk to impregnate me
>when black women have had enough of BBC
Men are not supposed to be cute they are supposed to be masculine
are you a female?
>a female on Yas Forums
ahaha of course not we all know girls don't know how to use the internet haha
Fuck off tranny.
not a tranny, I'm a manly man
portuguese dudes still had manbuns in 2019?
masculine men are ugly
give me a cute boy to peg please
masculine men can be cute too!
>give me a cute boy to peg please
Over 10 years ago I made a Finnish friend on an MMO and we became really good friends and started ERPing and eventually skyping. This was ages ago I'm not even sure if it was called ERPing back then but I literally had only used the internet for gaming and anime up til that point. I wonder what he's up to now and if he had a gf eventually
Yes it is
Medoids are so masculine and dreamy
>Medoids are so masculine
oh iam laffin
He just has interacial fetish thats obs not tru
Nah I just think compared to nordoids they are not as docile.
He probably became a boozer living in a sauna, who still makes a moderate amount of money and picked up an inexpensive Flip female for himself, because he was having a hard time in the gf department.
Happens to most Finns.
thats because you have an interracial fetish
But other nordoids are cute too
no idea what you are even trying to imply with that, the 170cm southern european will never be masculine