The first trans girl edition
What’s that?
Just joined reddit's Nintendo Switch discord server. Anything you lads would like me to tell them?
giz us a link x
So that’s where the Australian got his fictitious post from. Is this bend it like beckham or something?
based reality check irishman
My brother is married to an sister is dating an asian...I’m dating an asian...
/lat/ stuff
find that place impenetrable
Steady on there mate, some of us have non-white pieces of shit neighbours who stream 24 hours a day and clog the internet to a trickle.
own a DOUBLE bed yet always sleep on the same side (right side)
ALWAYS do this
explain that atheists
I long for the day the Irish stop pretending they're being oppressed.
pirate scumbag
no one cares
yellow fevered freaks
kek way ahead of you almost immediately after you posted a link to mistress T i enacted a wank, since completed
Anime figurines desu
Seems natural
Yeah it’s full of genuine skitzos
Choose life.
Choose a job.
Choose a career.
Choose a family,
Choose a fucking big television
Choose washing machines, cars,
Compact disc players, and electrical tin openers.
Choose good health, low cholesterol
And dental insurance.
Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments.
Choose a starter home.
Choose your friends.
Choose leisure wear and matching luggage.
Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase
In a range of fucking fabrics.
Choose DIY and wondering who you
Are on a Sunday morning.
Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing
Sprit-crushing ga me shows
Stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth.
Choose rotting away at the end of it all,
Pishing you last in a miserable home
Nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish,
Fucked-up brats
You have spawned to replace yourself.
Choose your future. Choose life.
didn't ask
I have four beds, two couches, and a comfy chair to sleep on.
But I choose to sleep on the floor
We don’t and even if we did it wouldn’t effect you.
No australian's in who applied for early super?
I much prefer Michael Jackson when he's white then when he was still black
Anyone else feel like that?
The term Paki is just short of Pakistani. It's entirely neutral. The reason it has a negative connotation is because any descriptive term for a group of people inevitably becomes associated with that groups behavior. Notice how the word for Black people in the US constantly changes. Because each new term eventually gets associated with their behavior.
here you go
First asian my brother ever dated and they got married and this is the first asian my sister has ever dated (but he is half asian I think, can’t tell)
Me? Absolute yellow fever freak
bunch of empty words from monkeys on keyboards
I've heard the Irish actually think northern ireland was being kept hostage by england or some shit before
thank you kind portugese
the lebanese are white and based
rare good yank post
i'm going to write this and actually like a proper response.
what are my thoughts on T2 you ask
spoilers coming up lads
i'll talk about the characters
Begbie - Carlyle is a brilliant fucking actor and did a fantastic job once again, top top tier actor, on the levels of Day Lewis. Even if he wasn't as well written for, I didn't notice. Superb superb performance
Rent boy - Alright I guess, felt like he was the directors mouthpiece at times though and noone really cares for the directors opinion. The character himself was well portrayed as he was an unlikable individual still. Represented the modern male very well. This technological age of data and science, the man cannot adapt to it yet.
Sickboy - Nothing good to say, nothing bad either.
Spud - Well acted, best written character in the movie. He is unironically what Rent bot wanted be.
Veronica - Seriously why the fuck is she in the fucking movie, she is like a sore thumb and sticks the fuck out. she is literally a movie mechanic and that is it. Seriously fucked off Boyle written her in, it was lazy and unimaginative. No fault of the actor though but once again I will say just her presence pissed me off.
Good parts of the movie :-
1690 scene. Hilarious, funny song, proper lad moment and didn't take itself too seriously. Very very good scene
Did I mention how fucking good Robert Carlyle was? Let me say it again, he was absolute god tier in the movie. Begbie is the kind of guy most people would shit themselves again. Also his son played a very good performance as well. Carlyle is literally Day Lewis/Heath Ledger tier.
Nostalgia, and Underworld played in more depressing way was kino
Shit parts -
Boyle's spergy CHOOSE LIFE part. Lacked any charisma felt forced and tryhard and it was obvious the motive was to make people feel uncomfortable. Was also a bit boring as well compared to the first.
Also constant class reference through out the movie. (1/2)
Did you ever even consider white girls (assuming you are white yourself)?
wank to mistress T half as often as i should like, and less than half as often as she deserves
should recall her material more frequently when ordaining wanks
nah don't thread split, I didn't see this one
>It's entirely neutral.
only if it was used to actually describe pakistanis
but brits apparently use it on all brown people
For me it's early plastic surgery Michael
Before he went completely mental
Goodnight lads
@nova scotia
do you know mistress t? she's from nova scotia
looking forward to the next 190 post
Michael Jackson was black?
I can see her pantsu o_o
mj was castrated. mad that
That was a popular and fairly valid sentiment during the troubles, yes. Not much of an oppressed mentality considering the IRA was shooting and bombing state forces every day.
Cross the jews, bad news
not many people in the south actually cares that much about unifying with the north
it's a romantic dream to have a united ireland but there is no actual coherent plan to make it happen beyond sinn fein screeching a bunch of slogans from time to time and waiting for demographics to do the job or the british to spoil all good will
decided to(in this order)
>do a willy wank
>get a vodka redbull
>do a poo
>take a bubble bath
night lads
any warzone man in?
fucking jews man
Planning on wearing one of these to my first day of Uni
Had to drive through Coolock in North Dub today lads to pick something up.
Windows up at all times, doors locked. Everybody looked pissed off and nobody was adhering to the lockdown, gangs of knackers out on quads and scramblers on the village green. What a fucking kip.
yeah I've been playing a bit actually. Do you jump out straight away or do you jump out further inland?
Yes I’ve dated and fucked white girls and yes I’m white
The little neuroses I have just align better with asian women, I don’t find white women ugly and am particularly attracted to Eastern European types in terms of looks (Indian women too) but in terms of who I get along with and whose interests match mine the most it’s almost always asian girls
Boyle reeks of that twat psuedo intellectual lower middle class twat who acts working class. Fuck off Boyle, you went to uni in the 1970s, you are middle class. Uni was highly alienating and elitist back in the 70s and you're middle class for going to uni back then.
Another shit part was when rent boy and sickboy went and did a hit of heroin, forced scene that was hard to follow.
Conclusion: Lazy movie that's only a good watch for Begbie and nostalgia. It did represent Scotland well tho
>only if it was used to actually describe pakistanis
>but brits apparently use it on all brown people
They do mean it for Pakistanis. It's just brown people are hard to tell apart.
>They do mean it for Pakistanis. It's just brown people are hard to tell apart.
nah mate, stop pretending
Banging MV
The constituencies with the highest average annual suicide rates over the five-year period are:
Belfast North (31 per 100,000);
Belfast West (26 per 100,000) and
Fermanagh and South Tyrone (19 per 100,000).
Fuck up 190 man
The Jews fucking castrated this poor boy when he was a child. Very clear castrati situation. He spent his whole life tormented, living with the mind and voice of a child
wank completed
Reeeeeeeeeeee I was looking forward to this for months
Is this solely for NI or UK as a whole?
Calzaghe would've battered Collins every day of the week and twice on sunday
we jump near the suburbs mostly and make our way into the zone slowly. strategy innit
Amazing how much of this generals conversation is about masturbation
ok norman
was curious since NI has the highest suicide rate in the UK
not really surprising with how grim some areas of belfast are
hahahahahahaha do you really solo queue??
Belfast isn’t that bad. I’ve lived there. It’s okay, a bit grim. Dublin’s worse.
how's this movie? I've seen it once many years ago, can't remember it though
pigs are much bigger than youd think
Pretty inappropriate. Shouldn't peep like that
Can barely call it a movie. It's dogshit
>tfw currently residing in north belfast
yeah makes sense to me
to be fair you need to have a very high iq to understand rick and morty
Can't believe we're living through a global pandemic
i love sugar
They should close their fucking blinds. It's public indecency. Builders had every right to look
00s american comedies are comfkino
how could I do anything else, I don't have any friends.
no mate can't say we did
I too dislike technology
more worried about the person who made the sign and took the picture for him desu
imagine being around when the black death was jacking 1/4 of europe
at least it'd feel like something's happening
>Surgically and chemically castrate your child , bigot.
Reckon if Ted Kazcynski was free right now he'd be posting Facebook memes about millennials always being on their damn phones
utterly grim
if ted kazcynski were free he'd be a tranny
For me it's dependent on the circle and contracts therein but me and the boys have a few choice spots and have racked up a couple cheeky victories in kind
Like to point out that wages increased dramatically after the black death
it's reddit
You like Beerfest?
wonder if assange will live to be tortured in the US for the rest of his life or just die to the 'rona in belmarsh
don't think it's appropriate for people not old enough to vote to choose their gender
Who wants that kid will kill themselves when they're a teenage and realize what their parents did to them?
I've been to both and thought Dublin was lovely. The second I crossed into northern ireland it became cold and cloudy and the train into Belfast felt like going through china or some other shithole at parts. The parts of Belfast I stuck I around in were very nice though but the whole city had a sort of tension Dublin didn't have.
for me it’s eurotrip