do your hear your neighbours having sex outside in their jacuzzi at night from your bedroom, in your cunt?
Do your hear your neighbours having sex outside in their jacuzzi at night from your bedroom, in your cunt?
No, my neighbours are boomers
Fortunately no, the girl sounds hot though. These fucking chads taking away all my happiness from me
desu i dont even know what she looks like
>drywall "big houses"
also let me guess, bbc?
I've never directly seen or heard any sexual act of any kind
except twice in Europe an Arab wanking in public
well im on the second floor upstairs and they were outside next door not too far apart
no i think the guy is european or maybe some israeli or some shit. girl was aussie
i used to be able to see some other hot nudist neighbour from my bedroom, but she moved away. i have fond memories of that
The apartments here don't have jacuzzis. But I've heard neighbors going at it a few times over the years.
>i have fond memories of that
And no pic? boy come on
why are the irish like this
i tried at the time but phone couldn't get a good shot
this is the flag of mexico you dumb burger....
I live next to some fucking junkies who are always fucking arguing or doing something at 3am
Do you fap to it?
Can you see them too? I would totally jerk off either way.
you must live in shitsville
this is the first time i ever heard them fucking but i used to fap to the hot nudist neighbour who i could see a couple years ago
i cant see the jacuzzi but i could see them on their deck if they walk outside in the daytime or if they have the lights on. the trees havent been trimmed in a while so i cant really see much of their backyard anymore
I remember my hot milf neighbour sun bathing topless during the summer, back in my old place. Good times.
>the mechanical keyboard in the background tapping away furiously
I kek. Poetic my man
its sad art isnt it. its basically a rundown of this entire website in an audio recording
its not a mechanical kb btw
good times.
>that time the hot neighbour was standing on her balcony full naked inspecting her body under the spotlight. could even make out her bush. i wonder if she knew anyone could see her
one of my best faps ever
>furiously typing
Did you have yourself a nice wank?
It's been said before, but that fucking furious_typing.wav is everything
im glad it made someone laugh at least
Wow, that's trashy
You did good, OP.
>makes as much noise as possible
garbage recording
you can hear the moans easily
you know i just remembered i had to tell the dude to shut the fuck up a couple of months ago because he was talking really loud on the phone at like midnight during a weeknight
he just said 'ok' in a soft voice and went inside lmao
>recording your neighbours having sex
Grab VB and Glass em cunt