Admit it, Europe would be better this way.
Find a flaw
Thank G-d it's not an American flag posting this
Umm Basiert Abteilung?
>Ugh.... muh Suur-suomi
Your king is a methhead and a nigger. Enjoy your jail sentence
It takes far more to foster a sense of long-term unity and social cohesion, than merely sharing a - often arbitrarily defined - language group.
France and the rest of Hispania belong in the Latin country and Russia should own all of the Slavic countries East of Germany but everything else is fine.
>Find a flaw
faroe islands is not in germanic europe
seems pretty decent
dropped immediately
the most larp retard shit I've seen
also nuke finland in a video game
I am yellow Albanian.
why aren't most slavic cunts in slavic evropa?
Greek should be green (Greek/Green LOL)
Also, Africa and Asia are not Europe.
Balkan are Slavic Europe
kys yourself retard
Africa starts at Calais
all white people are basically the same
>Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Wallonia, Slovenia, Istria, Baltics, Finland, Ingria
>Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, Romania, Moldova, Anatolia
>Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria
åland doesn't exist also
>>Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Wallonia, Slovenia, Istria, Baltics, Finland, Ingria
Slovenia, Czechia, Wallonia and Baltics have all been part of Germanic countries for centuries so they fall into the same cultural sphere.
Also, I just noticed, why the fuck are Karelia and the Kola peninsula Germanic? What fucking retard made this faggot map?
you're right, bornholm isn't there either
>it's another dumb blob thread by a non-euro
Iberia shouldn't be divided like that. The northernmost regions of Spain are still Southern Europe=Latin Europe despite the Celtic background. They may claim we wuz but we're pretty much the same
t. from Northern Portugal
pure larp ignoring militaries and powers that exist.
I could say the same thing about the Baltics belonging to the Slavs because they were part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union for centuries. Wallonia is culturally distinct from Flanders and closer to France culturally and linguistically so why aren't they Celtic? Why shouldn't Czechia be a Slavic country? Just because the map looks le epic when you just arbitrarily shove it into the "Germanic" country? This map is so fucking retarded.
spain is in the process of incorporation and consolidation of its regions as a single nation, can't worry about other regions.
>latin Europe
>north africa is there
>celtic europe
>no-sense at all historically
Jesus Christ, stop taking these maps seriously.
>Wallonia is culturally distinct from Flanders and closer to France culturally
t. has never been to Belgium
These maps are just jokes user
I don't think putting france and england into one group is a good idea... Haven't they historically been enemies for like over a millenium?
So many idiots replying to this saying it's "wrong".
Seems like they can't read the OP.