I liked the only Swedish movie I've seen

I liked the only Swedish movie I've seen.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Sweden.png (1200x750, 1.17K)

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I thought Let The Right One In was okay.

lol that's what it was


I liked the only South Korea movie I've seen

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watch lilja4ever :^)

Kopps is pretty funny

I want to fuck Elias so bad.

It sounds depressing, reading the synopsis

it's a good movie, most if not all lukas moodysson movies are

Okay, I'll check it out sometime.

>I want to fuck Elias so bad.

It's only gay if balls touch, and she (male) has them cut off.

>It's only gay if balls touch, and she (male) has them cut off.
Sounds like someone needs to sleep :/

Have you read the book or seen the movie?

Try Slim Susie if you want to experience a tamer swedish hillbilly Pulp Fiction. It's funnier than Pulp Fiction, but doesn't have nearly as much style if I'm gonna be honest.

I want to slap my balls against a norweigans asshole

>swedish movies

Attached: fuck-you-sweden.png (723x866, 309.94K)

i guess our country might seem funny to you Håkon

but imagine actually living in this sinking ship. It's like a plane crash, you watch in horror but there's probably nothing you can do at this point.

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Nigga you'll be fine. Covid is taking care of somalis and you're not ruining the economy over this meme virus

>but imagine actually living in this sinking ship. It's like a plane crash, you watch in horror but there's probably nothing you can do at this point.
Don't be sad, it's not all bad, r-right?

Attached: apu-hug.png (689x473, 96.87K)

Sweden has the best films

we're in this sinking ship together

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>Don't be sad, it's not all bad, r-right?
Remember that kid who got robbed and pissed on by some immigrants? Apparently these robbers are just two of many that currently are specializing in robbing native boys.

"To see how you urinate on victims when you take their valuables and film it, it must feel like a kick in the stomach to the victim. The victims are children and young people who will be traumatized for a long time, says Mustafa Panshiri, who previously worked as a police officer and who now lectures at schools on integration.

He thinks there is a clear ethnic aspect to the recent robberies.
- They are actively searching for ethnic Swedes to attack."


Problem is that all of the other countries decided to lock down so we'll still get hit as well.

Thanks for the hugs bros. You are on the same route, but just remember that we are a few years ahead of the rest. So you should take note of what is happening here before it happens to you.



kylla, ruotsi :)
hyvä suomi

the sacrifice is my favorite swedish film

Attached: kino.png (1794x1080, 2.23M)

>They are actively searching for ethnic Swedes to attack
i knew i was right to be paranoid, people are after me afterall

>i knew i was right to be paranoid, people are after me afterall
Just don't walk in certain neighbourhoods or at certain hours and you'll probably do fine user.

Lol, is it first now that you have realized that foreigners target the natives (swedes) to rob? Swedish people are seen as submissive and weak and they don't retaliate. "Honor violence" is not part of the Swedish culture. And Swedes don't have big clans (families), so they are no threat to their much bigger clans. This has happened for MANY years now, not only do they target you to rob, but to show dominance over the inferiors and mark their territories.

Me too

>their territory
ah yes, the ghetto.

>And Swedes don't have big clans (families), so they are no threat to their much bigger clans. This has happened for MANY years now, not only do they target you to rob, but to show dominance over the inferiors and mark their territories.
Yes and I seriously doubt there is any chance at all that we Swedes could get our shit together at this point.
Please just fucking invade us and clean this mess up before it's too late and this place turns into the next Syria.

i like u sweden

>Please just fucking invade us and clean this mess up before it's too late and this place turns into the next Syria.
the chinese have been kind enough to send us corona

Snäll jänkare

Yes, and these places will never become Swedish again.
Swedish people will never get their shit togheter. Islamic clan culture will dominate and
undermine the Swedish high trust culture and society. Swedish people are too scared

Too bad it mostly kills the oldest people, who are also the most nationalist

You're not being very helpful. It's not like me and that other user personally were the ones to invite all immigrants here. If Sweden becomes an Islamic shithole, it will affect you guys as well.