Why are Mexican border towns so fucking horrible?

Why are Mexican border towns so fucking horrible?
I've traveled to CD. Juarez to see some family members and I felt like I was on chiapas or some shit

Attached: reynosa.jpg (940x631, 70.87K)

Nobody cares about your worthless olmec opinions

Because Ciudad Juárez is a shithole filled with deported surindios, go to Chihuahua if you want to see norteños arios

also 90% of the cities in the country look like this

because mexico is still like a third world country.... what do you expect... that it looks like first world?

extremely rude

Attached: parque-la-mexicana-santa-fe-cdmx-sunset-park-mexico-city-106832587.jpg (1300x957, 210.64K)

>Santa Fe
There's places in walking distance that look like OPs image.

skyskrapers are not a sign of first world anymore, it is a cope mechanism now for 2nd/3rd world countries so they can look like first world, but they oversaturate the skyscraper market which means that it actually does not look first world.

Why are you using cold war terminology

to be fair it looks like that across the south too

u are retarded...

lmao how cucked are northeners
this looks like the usa

The US sides are usually /comfy/

I've never been to southern Mexico, but I think of it as pre-modern with indios living in adobe houses still making hand-made tortillas. Border towns are ugly and soulless, but there's a lot of industry. It's like a grimier and dirtier version of the US, but very different from what I imagine southern Mexico to be.

Southern mexico is more colonial looking

Attached: fieldandforest-chiapas_E25.jpg (1280x853, 211.35K)

you can find colonial buildings all over the country

Its more prevelant in the center in south, you wont find colonial cities like puebla in the north

Attached: rooftops-of-the-historic-city-centre-san-cristobal-de-las-casas-chiapas-mexico-MTTXNK.jpg (867x1390, 268.6K)

Attached: Captura-de-pantalla-2018-06-03-a-las-8.00.50-a.m..png (1517x852, 2.51M)

what do u want to prove with that image? you are exactly like what i am discribing in my previous post...

cool photo you forgot to mention the rampant crime around that place (yes high crime is not very first world)

Only based post you have made

Nothing, I just like to share this type of images.
And you give me that opportunity to do it.

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big buildings are not impressive faggot. they are just wagie cages for underpaid retards

The most colonial area of the country is the center, west and east.
Although the South is more traditional, it maintains a more indigenous architecture, little urbanization and industrialization, the center is more urbanized and the North is the most industrialized.

Attached: los-pueblos-magicos-se-encuentran.jpg (958x596, 322.71K)

I fell for the border Town meme.
Stuck in Mexicali for the next 3 years.
Ugly, looks like the setting from Mucha Lucha, and theres only chinese food places and werehouses.

wtf, the border is the zone of amerishart coomers and inmigrants. what did you expect

holy mother of cope

Lmao and Mexicali is probably the best border town of them all

what is the cope? please explain it to me

Okay, but nothing else, everything looks the same, even the center and that makes it ugly.

that you see skyscrapers as a dick measuring contest ant not for what they are, a better use of land in developing countries

>Mexicali is probably the best border town of them all
fucking this, by far

A history of war, massacres and drugs. Read Blood Meridian and you’ll see that the border has always been a violent free-for-all.

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has anyone read 2666? how accurate is the part about the crimes?

no the fatty used a pic of skyscraper to make his point that mexico actually is first world... but it is not and i said why... that is not coping you cokelombian

looks like mexican burgerpunk

Outdated terms dude