Why do they larp as conquered victims when most of their ancestry is from European conquistadors?
Why do they larp as conquered victims when most of their ancestry is from European conquistadors?
The last nations here made it look profitable lol. we live in the era of the eternal victim.
Shut up queer
false, almost none of it is. the only genetically european countries are argentina and uruguay and they have zero conquistador blood
I said conquistador BVLL, not eurofag
I hate speak spanish, the language of the ones who raped my ancestors.
Threadly reminder:
Most South Americans on this board are part of their rich and privately educated upper class. They live in big mansions with maids and butlers, and hold strange reactionary beliefs about racial hierarchies and are sympathic to fascist tendencies while being more often than not creepy religious fundamentalism. They look down on their fellow citizens and would sell out their own country and all its riches to foreign multinationals and the neoliberal status quo while still calling themselves patriotic. They are members of their oligarchy and are afraid that someone is about to redistribute 'their' wealth that are the result of their greedy thievery. They are a cleptocratic class of parasites that has to be utterly purged and annihilated in a violent uprising if any state in South America is to achieve social progress.
a nadie le importa en la vida real aparte de la minoria blanca izquierdista
ya deja de hacer estos hilos
a strange mix of post-independence national narratives (crafted by the criollos behind the independence movements) and marxist ideology
Cuba has higher european input than both of those
Does anyone really act like a victim except for Central America and Mexico? Also for a majority of those said regions they have either more Amerindian blood or half and half with other shit
We need to blame our failure on someone else tbqh
its funny to watch the spanish asspain
irl nobody cares. we barely interact with spaniards
neither central america nor mexico (which are not hiveminds either) "act like victims"
Only white lefties complain about spain, im brown and I do not think about spain at all.
they may not be genetically related to the victims of the conquistadors, but they inhabit the land they used to live in and share parts of their culture with them. it's exactly like how iberians act like victims of north african invaders when in reality they're genetically the same as them
Imagine bombing a country over bananas
Recently the Mexican president begged the Spanish PM to apologize for conquering the Aztecs and Mexico. Yes. They do act like victims and this is coming from a Castizo Mexican
Seeeeeesh gotta take a gander at those digits
>most of their ancestry is from European conquistadors
no it's not
most spaniards that migrated to the new world didn't come in the 1500s, they were not "conquistadors"
I don't think the average Costa Rican think about Spain very often (apart from football stuff, of course) 2bqhwy, my nig.
Prieto. lol
>most of their ancestry
Not everywhere. In Peru, Bolivia, Panama and Guatemala Spanish ancestry doesn't reach a majority average
Most South Americans on Yas Forums are actually dumbass underage marxists who’s upper middle class parents wasted money so they can study liberal arts in college.
Is it a hobby of yours to reply to pastas?
he always does things like that when he is fucking up the country. its a distraction
a couple of days ago he said that he ordered to investigate the ex president for corruption lol
I've noticed. You guys need to vote that pussy out of office quick. Seeing how he is dealing with the cartel situation is infuriating.
The majority of us do not decent from Spanish conquistadors. Also nobody really thinks about Spain around here besides when talking about Spanish football.
As a whole Latin America (the South American part even more) is majority Spanish ancestry
I don’t autistically browse Yas Forums enough to know that’s a copypasta
we will have a votation in 2022 to do so. but we are retarded and i think he will not go anywhere
>they have zero conquistador blood
ironically it's the criollo elites who trace their ancestry back to the offspring of early spanish explorers and amerindian rulers
It's how we cope about being shitholes. You'll always see people in Brazil with no spottable indian or black ancestry bitching about how these damn Portuguese colonisers exploited us.