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God I wish that were me.
nah, black cock tastes better,
>horse on woman = patrician
>dog on woman = patrician
>anything else = utterly disgusting
I posted that haha
I actually did not do that, it was just a guilty pleasure
Include me in the screenshot xDDDDDD
>tfw no slutty tuga here to suck your cock eagerly
don't understand bestialists who have sex with dogs or farm animals, don't see the point, disgusting
but i was thinking about it the other day when someone posted that image of the lion getting an mri
imagine raping one of these in the butt, grabbing its mane with one hand, his tail with the other hand and raping it right in the butt, turning his mighty roar into whimpers and nutting in what used to be the king of the jungle
but he's not the king anymore, you are
seek help
have sex incel
i'm normal, we've all thought about it at least once
why couldn't this faggot come to my house instead, i'm so lonely i need someone to suck my dick aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'll do it. I'm a tranny tho so
just like how we’ve all thought about fucking some dolphin pussy
don’t knock it till you try it
raping a sharp i can understand
but dolphins, there's no merit to it
Apparently their pussy is even better than human females but I have not verified
it's not about pleasure, it's about showing them who's boss
mon dieu
Just because they’re usually friendly doesn’t mean they’re not 400 pounds of muscle that could crush you at any moment. Like mini-orcas
ok joe
female(female) hands wrote this.
The Town Rapist at the Aquarium
imagine the fishy smell
>One time, when she wanted to masturbate on my foot and I wouldn’t let her, she threw herself on top of me and pushed me down to the 12-foot bottom of the pool.
>tfw no horny dolphin gf
I once had a chance like that, i only licked the tip a little bit and sniffed the shaft and balls.
god I wish I was him
>it was even legal at the time
>dolphins are footfags
yikes, is there anything pure left in the world
yeah I'm thinking based