How's your work/academic situation?

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pretty good spring is almost over and taking 4 classes during the summer

constant exposure to corona


i've attempted to go to school twice but i can't get my drinking under control enough to get my assignments done. worked at safeway for a couple year then quit in december and now i'm living neet life burning through savings. it's not that bad honestly.

>i've attempted to go to school twice but i can't get my drinking under control enough to get my assignments done
Literally me.

I'm owing 2nd semester and 4th pls pray for me

You got it, bucko.

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Ended years ago

if everything's copacetic, I can graduate this year and have a job at mcdonald's the next

Work: Soulcrushingly boring pisseasy office work
Academic life: Hated it at the time, miss it now

only one exam missing before my graduation
in the meanwhile I'm working a part time job


This mostly.

I get to ""telework"" thanks to corona and I'm regressing back into the NEET I was between college and steady employment. I've forgotten how insidiously comfy it is, especially since this time I'm getting paid.


What now?

>former industry completely obliterated

Should I go to back to uni?
There's a systems development / comp sci course at a state Uni here and tuition is really cheap, like in USD only 50 per month, takes 3 years to complete the bachelor's degree...

I'm bad at math but fuck it IT hasn't receded at all here and starting salaries are good... just what holds me back is having been away from school for more than ten years, and even when I was in school I sucked at math. Plus, 30 going back to uni...

>mfw at the current state of my life and this shithole country and the situation as a whole with the corona virus

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online classes

the business that I work with has stopped due to corona; so until corona is dealt with, I just draw, design and prepare.

are you cartographer?

no. luxury related business/designer.




I'm honestly kind of in a squeeze. I'm currently employed full time, but trying to finish my PhD. But because of the Corona situation, my boss is pushing more and more work on me and I'm too tired to do any work on my last paper.

The industry I’m in is absolutely fucked due to a bat soup.


furlough. supposedly we'll get called back when this situation is over.

NEET for 4 years
Zero qualifications or experience
Tbh, even if I started to look for a job now I’m not sure how to explain the gap and lack of skills. Employers expect you to spend your life being productive 24/7

>been working from home more than a month now
>comfy af, on a 4-day work week too
>spend most of my time pretending to work hard when really I've got vidya/movies/anime on another screen

I'm literally getting paid to watch chinese cartoons. NEETs do it for free. HOW WILL THEY RECOVER???

I'm 34, have been neet for 15 years, live with parents, have zero practical qualifications/certifications, cannot prove work experience.

basically, I'm committing suicide in a couple of weeks.

Fuck this planet

classes stopped because of wuflu