England needs to pay reperations to Scotland

How come Germany has to pay the Jews for the Holocaust but England doesnt pay Scotland for their Holocaust against us?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Scotland.svg.png (1200x720, 5.49K)

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The autistic Scots poster should be perma banned. I would sign a petition for this cause

This is the greatest genocide in Europe and the perpetrators suffer no punishment for their crime.
"Their only crime was they were born Scots."

Haha your trolling is on point bro, I even thought you were serious for a while

England needs to pay for the institutionalization of mentally ill scottish 4channers

Why are Scots so delusional?

>denying genocide
I think that is a crime.
Unfortunately Scottish people cannot be mentally ill.
Why do you deny the genocides?

don't worry bro I am immigrating to England, I'll be sure to contribute to the erasure of their culture and identity

Some more Bucksfast shipments work?

When was this holocaust?

Good job.
When the Forth flows with it.

It was several.
Though the main one was at the start of the 14th and end of the 13th centuries where the English set up what were essentially like SS gangs who would move from Scottish town to others whose only goal was to exterminate the Scots.
The most famous of this is the Barns of Ayr which is now regarded as lies due to English influence.
The men in Scotland had no choice but to "conquer or die" since if they did not fight they would be executed anyway.

scatland should pay for the genocide of the norse

France should pay reparations to the English in this case.


daily reminder that scotland still occupies english land (lothian, borders, dumfries & galloway), it was a scottish king who united the isle, its scottish settlers in northern ireland, and an englishman hasn't sat on the throne since 1066

don't believe the jocks lies

Killing a few nobles doesn't surmount to a holocaust. The Danes did the same in Sweden-Which by the way is what sparked the Swedish war of independence (for a period of time Sweden was in a personal union with Denmark and hade the same king).

But nobody wants Denmark to pay reparations for this. It was hundreds of years ago and once again, killing a few nobles is not the same thing as a genocide.

I thought the Welsh and Saxons did that? Norway genocided the Picts.

That would be impossible due to the English being created by France.
The saddest battle in Scottish history.
Just about entirely because the tactics of Scotland were to frail by that point.
It wasn't a genocide if it took 300 years to happen and had no violence involved.

the norse who settled in orkney and shetland were exterminated by the anglo-scotch, few traces of them remain.
a people disappearing is genocide

>Barns of Ayr
Bro we had undisputed mass killings of nobles and priests in the Stockholm Bloodbath. Lots of Swedes were killed by the Danish king.


Yet nobody calls it a genocide.

>lothian, borders, dumfries & galloway)
even though that is all ridiculous since none of that was part of England Galloway is the most ridiculous since it was fully gaelic until the 17th century where it declined.
none of those land ever had a majority Anglo-Saxon speaking population with welsh being the main language.
exterminating every scotsmand from every toun of importance and then proceding to enslave the country is genocide.
they were never exterminated really.
although I wont deny violence but mostly it died out due to immigration.

Scotland is Scotlands own biggest enemy, it seems much of the battles lost were due to negligence. Another reason Scotland failed was because they remained Catholic and constantly sided with France.

anglo-scotch is an oxymoron.
it was one step of the whole genocide attempt.

not as autistic as that swedish poster who keeps posting the pic of the 3 ugly english girls at a racecourse

>they remained catholic
Scotland was the most Reformed country that existed.

no, it is what most scots are, maybe you prefer anglo-saxon.

no. I prefer the term Scottish since very little have English lineage.

Are you a fan of Highlander? A very, very based film

Attached: Highlander_film_Connor_MacLeod.jpg (246x350, 22.68K)

scots have just as much native british and anlgo-saxon heritage as the english.

>One chance for independence in 2014
>Vote no

no. the angles never went past Lothian, a total of 18% of the population.
it is good but I don't like it because of the rape.

William the Conqueror death bed confession
"I have persecuted the natives of England beyond all reason. Whether gentle or simple I have cruelly oppressed them; many I unjustly disinherited; innumerable multitudes perished through me by famine or the sword……I fell on the English of the northern shires like a ravening lion. I commanded their houses and corn, with all their implements and chattels, to be burnt without distinction, and great herds of cattle and beasts of burden to be butchered whenever they are found. In this way I took revenge on multitudes of both sexes by subjecting them to the calamity of a cruel famine, and so became a barbarous murderer of many thousands, both young and old, of that fine race of people. Having gained the throne of that kingdom by so many crimes I dare not leave it to anyone but God…"


Attached: LIST-10-things-you-may-not-know-about-william-the-conqueror.jpg (2048x1536, 599.66K)

the English had people shipped in to vote.

Attached: Capture.png (510x673, 122.45K)

>no. I prefer the term Scottish since very little have English lineage.
People from the Borders and Lothians are practically Englishmen though.

And people from the North are Norse etc.

because european nations treatomg each other like shit and countries like Ireland and Scotland like to play it up for more attention because they are pussies. you don't hear polish people complaining do you

they weren't English.
it is like calling Austrians germany.
a stupid idea.
and you cannot tax france for this since it was done by Normandy not france and the normans currently have either been intergrated into their new island or completely exterminated by the Parisian ruling class.