Who Legalistchad here?
Taoism is ok and Confucianism is soy af
Who Legalistchad here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Taoism here
The other two are ok if that's what you want
What book you need to read to understand legalism?
try /his/
The Han Feizi
Confucianism is the reason why East Asia was doomed to be surpassed by the West
Too bad legalism fucking sucked in practice, literally autism
Both are cringe. Epicurism is the real redpill here. But muh politics. You're irrelevant anyway, why would you even bother with that?
not him, but every man should know his greek/philosophy right?
Legalism built China
cuckfucianism fucked it up beyond repair and let her be raped by foreigners
The ancap philosophy
good prose, but when people are hungry, they become more savage than animal
What are you implying here? That you need government to stop famines?
Finally, China’s law is to be human. It select person who are poor people and punish hard. If you are commie high ranker, you can avoid easily. It is Authoritarianism pretending to legalism.
human naturally form tribes to find safety, which turn into government.
lawless society will not hold
Based af
Shit don't make sense we legalist niggas here
Legalism is a hardline school of thought, but it is also the most practical of them all. It is so, because it takes into account the realities of human nature (rather than assume morality).
Reference: plato.stanford.edu
Legalists see human beings as inherently self-interested. It dismisses the possibility that people can overcome their selfishness and considers the possibility that people can be driven by moral commitment to be exceptionally rare. Therefore, a political system that presupposes this human selfishness is the only viable system. In contrast, a political system based on trust and respect (rather than impersonal norms and standards, as in Legalism) will result in an irresolvable power struggle.
It is axiomatic in Legalism that the government can not truly be staffed by upright and trustworthy men of service, because every member of the elite—like any member of society—will have their own interests and thus must be employed for their interests. Herein, individuals must be allowed to pursue their selfish interests in a manner that benefits rather than contradicts the needs of a state.
This is why Legalism is the school of law. Strictly-enforced and impartial laws will alter people's rational calculations by making them fear punishments and covet rewards. Thus, people can be shaped behaviorally to yield social order if it is in the individual's own self-interest to abide by the norms (that is, different interests are aligned to each other and the social good).
It is still present in modern China: chinachannel.org
Wtf are there so many L*galists here? Do you guys jack off to Chen Jianbin/Cao Cao or something?
Who Daoist Chad here?
I own a copy of the Daodejing, the Zhuangzi and the Yijing and I study them often. It's changed me for the better.
Ru/Daofag here, I concur
I'm studying the Daoist path of Fallen Star sect.
I'm going to be Nascent Soul soon, wish me luck fellow Daoist.
Pic related is my personal sect sister attendant.
The Han were Confucian and lasted for 400 years. The Qin were legalist and lasted for two monarchs.
The first Chinese empire happened to be legalist. It also happened to collapse because no one liked them.
the Qin collapsed because of Qin Er Shi's incompetence, it had nothing to do with legalism
Why yes I am a junzi, what gave it away?
Would prefer a Jiangshi-fighting master who cultivated the Way for decades rather than a useless thot desu
used to watch his movies when i was a kid ;(.
>Wow, this is literally me.
Which one is your favorite kangaroo bro?
cant remember the names, i think the movie where he fought the European vampire?
She is very sexy, I will look into this.
Taoism. Taoism isn't preachy at all. It's a mixed bag of mundane and mysterious stuff that is easy and relaxing shit. You basically just pray for your health and benefit. Doesn't have one exreme existence. It's similar to Japanese jinja.