Can someone explain why America is so based compared to the rest of the world?
International jealousy of America
>the virus leaves an enzyme that can be tested . it is predicted that 400 thousand angelinos already cuaght this shit and recovered from it
i was really planning on shaking hands with everyone in the grocery store today
because america invented freedoms, silly
who tf calls it a hairdresser, unless you're a woman or gay
i don't see a single prepper in the protests. they seem to be business owners or people who just want to get back to work. preppers were rich enough not to care.
Americans are so retarded.
I hope you guys flood the hospitals and kill every single doctor so America can finally die.
>Can someone explain why America is so based compared to the rest of the world?
In short, the frontier. People didn't get off the boat at New York and dominion port cities like that because they wanted to stay in new york, they came out of the promise of some distant frontier land with barely any government, police interference and taxation.
ER visits are actually way down, lmao. you guys are so clueless as to what goes on over here
Are you stupid? That just proves the quarantine is working. If you act like retards and start going out and coofing all over eachother, then the ERs will get flooded again.
I can't believe that there are STILL idiots saying it's the fucking flu when New York has literal mass graves. A few months ago I said that some idiots would only start taking it seriously once the government starts digging mass graves, but we're already at that point and there are STILL people who are unconvinced. Holy shit man.
sounds like a very hollywood influenced definition
>ER visits are actually way down, lmao
because nobody can afford it.
It was though. Hollywood has nothing to do with it. The wild west was in many cases a shithole but the promise of free land with barely any authority was enough for the poor and impoverished to set sail to America for.
most of the time ERs get hit by insured retards who are abusing the system by going there over and over again for stupid things.
i never said anything about the flu shit. you are projecting way too much. go back to watching your news or whatever
Cool I guess you won't need all those asian doctors then
God I would suck a dick dry to be american
not like you can afford to pay them
>he believes anyone is jaleous of the trainwreck that America is
why do you guys have so many mass shootings now? just another way you guys wish you could be us. america's hat forever. just look at the population density of this excuse of a country
>most of the time ERs get hit by insured retards who are abusing the system by going there over and over again for stupid things.
Yes, because people just... go to the ER.
only in America.
>Haha, you guys insure retards
Pick only one, fool.
I did pick one. Work on your reading comprehension before you get buttblasted.
yanks only kill abortion doctors.
they mostly left UK because they're religious nutcases or they just hate you poms. til this day, a large chunk of the whities in USA are irish.
on the contrary, we promote them. google e michael jones. he got fired from a catholic university in the 70s or 80s for being anti abortion
they mostly left UK because they're religious nutcases
Thats more the colonisation of America. Most of the first settlers were puritans who were actually despised in England.
The whole original colonists thing is blown way out of proportion.
People talk about Puritan this and that but there were hardly any of them and half of them fucking died but they sent back reports of what was over here and everyone else quickly started sailing over to have a go at starting a new life in a mostly wide open new world.
They don't look like business owners.
They look like hobos that put their scarce money into buying and maintaining their firearms, leaving the bare minimum to keep themselves alive.
The "people" that wh*ites hate in America are the main ones getting abortions. The day you see Stacy and Becca getting fetuses snot rocketed out of their slits at the clinic in the shithole section of town is the day that shit gets banned.
idk where you live, but the midwest is bleak. i like some of the places, but tend not to like any of the people
We're retarded
Oh shit, I saw this woman on the news. She actually, unironically went
You can't convince me that this isn't a paid actor. Such living stereotypes don't really exist, right?
If you don't know, state-provided healthcare in the US is very bizarre. There are a lot of bureaucracy for relatively simple and inexpensive things, but ER visits are flatly and universally free. The intent is good, but it leads to a situation where it is much easier to get treated for a cold in an emergency room than with a PCP.
fucking old roast needs to get out the jeep and go back to sharing shitty facebook memes instead of fucking everyone over with her retardation.
this same woman looks like the one that demanded a haircut.