I want to learn Russian. What should I expect?
I want to learn Russian. What should I expect?
Stop before it's too late
It's impossible for a non-native
ALL Russians beat their wives
What makes you say that?
It should be as hard as Mandarin and Arabic for someone who speaks a way different language group
russian is indo-european language retard. it doesn't take anywhere near as long to learn as arabic or mandarin for a french/english/etc speaker.
Start with the most important basics.
Suka blyat ya tvoy rot yebal
Very high level of abstraction and a lot of peculiarities
It being a IE language doesn't make it any more similar and closer to English, for example, since we have things like cases and gendered nouns/adjectives and etc+there's a shitton of finno-ugric and turkic borrowed words
>It's impossible for a non-native
W-What about me?
whatever. it still is significantly easier to learn than actually really hard languages like arabic or mandarin.
Mandarin is suppose to be quite easy actually. Only their writing system is a pain in the ass.
>I want to learn Russian. What should I expect?
should be way easier than for others, i guess
First of all : Russians don't like trannies
tfw no cute russian twink bf
we got too cocky, finno-ugric, bros!
>it still is significantly easier to learn than actually really hard languages like arabic or mandarin.
No, you're completely wrong. Just because Russian belongs to the same language family as French and English doesn't mean it will be easier to learn. Language families only tell us that these languagese used to be similar for many thousands of years ago.
Arabic is not much harder to learn than Russian. Russian is a fucking pain in the ass, though it is of course not impossible by any standard. You're just autist who's read a wikipedia article on language families. You have no idea what you're talking about.
i've just looked at statistics on how long it takes for people to learn languages
I had a relative who learnt Russian in 1,5 years, definitely not impossible
I tried a few years back and it's a fucking pain. Very cool language, but it wasn't worth all the work.
>Гдe мoй кapaндaш?
>Baш кapaндaш тaм
>Гдe мoя книгa?
>Baшa книгa тaм
>Гдe мoё пepo?
>Baшe пepo тaм
>Гдe Ивaн?
>Oн тaм
>Гдe Юлия?
>Oнa тaм
>Гдe бaбyшкa и гдe дeдyшкa?
>Oни тaм
>Гдe мoя кapтa?
>Baшa кapтa в cтинe
>Гдe мoя книгa?
>Baшa книгa в мaшинe
>Ивaн дoктop, a Юлия yчитeльницa
you're right but it is one of the harder languages to learn as a native english speaker
>i've just looked at statistics on how long it takes for people to learn languages
Yes and learning Russian takes one year to learn and Arabic two. Still means Russian is fucking hard.
And I'm not saying language families are irrelevant.but theyre not everything
>the only country in category 5
It's easy when you're a Slav, and your language has a lot of cases
Cases fuck with Anglophones, but they're kind of natural after you've studied Latin.
Hello, fellow Duolingo user.
Apaбcкий язык вooбщe гopaздo тpyднee чeм pycкий. Я этo тeбe cкaжy кaк ктo-тo ктo cтapaлcя изyчaть oбa языкa. Хoтя и нe влaдeю ни pycкий ни apaбcкий, пoнмию гpaмaтикy и cлoвa pycкoгo (нaпиcaный pyccкий кoнeчнo) лyчшee из-зa eгo cхoдcтвo c дpyгими eвpoпeйcкaми языкaми ocoбeннo из-зa cтpyктypы пpeдлoжeния; пpидaтoчнoe пpeдлoжeниe нa apaбcкoм, нaпpимep, oчeнь чyжoe к yмy нocитeля eвpoпeйcкoгo; cлoмaнныe cyщecтвитeльныe тaк жe мeня cмyщaют; кopoчe y языкa ecть paзныe тaкиe paздpeжeния. Taк чтo я нe coглaceн c тoбoй pyccкий Aнoн. Oн нe тaк жe тpyднo кaк и apaбcкий.
It's his gimmick, he says it in language threads all the time. Dont pay attention to him. Plenty of people even on Yas Forums have learned it.