>99% of Canadian crude is exported to the US
>US isn't buying
>nobody is buying
We're fucked, aren't we Leafybros?
>99% of Canadian crude is exported to the US
>US isn't buying
>nobody is buying
We're fucked, aren't we Leafybros?
cad dollar will hit 0.5 usd
good lots of canadian whores for cheap guys.
I was watching the news yesterday and they said coroanvirus made prostitutes jobless and they got evicted/have no money for food.
So far, haven't seem a prostitute who'd fuck for a sandwich.
If I go visit northern Alberta, like, way past Edmonton (Athabaska area) is it customary to leave a tip ? And will people hunt me down if I go by myself? Im brown and I just saw “get out” so I’m kinda scared
its called a nowhump.com
Nice scam site boomer
they get CERBux
I dont think anyone is fucked, stuff goes down but stuff goes up. You can build solar panels and wind turbines too those are popular. Nuclear possibly too.
RIght now there is a virus so nobody has anywhere to drive to. Only the super market.
White people ugly dawg
they don't declare income, they don't qualify for CERB.
I doubt the government is competent to check that.
The other day while driving, I saw what appeared to be an out-of-work stripper with a sign a little down the road from a strip club. She was wearing a sports bra and yoga pants and dancing around while holding her sign.
>oh look at this applicant, did they file taxes in 2018 as required when applying for CERB?
amazingly easy to check with modern computing.
Yeah don't go to Northern Alberta/Saskatchewan the Indians will hunt you down.
I'll buy it. Actually, technically aren't you paying people to take the oil now? Tell you what, you pay for the shipping to Ontario and we're square.
Normally, low oil prices are great for Germany. I hope we can use it somehow...
>all this could have been prevented if we all testing like we're doing right now but in january
I’m sure someone would have fucked it up. We had it under control until a Filipino accidentally spread it again, and then usa navy decided to unload an entire ship of infected sailors onto our island. Now everything is shut down.
Isn't it pretty much the same for the entirety of EU save for Norway which isn't even in the EU?
This virus is perfect for
>being underestimated so it can BTFO you
>being declared defeated so it can repeat the whole scenario in a second wave
Also: Thanks, China.
If it goes on like this, the nations of the world will eventually turn against boomers and let them die. Before they let the economic system collapse, they'll sacrifice some people.
nobody is buying the goods that the oil is used for so it's a loss for everyone. i mean it cushions the blow but high oil prices with high consumption is preferable to low oil prices with low consumption.
I need one user to tell me unironically why they won't stop mining if nobody is buying for the time being.
I also need another one to tell me the same but ironically
Apparently you need to have a giant oil tank first. Then if you fill up your giant oil tank then theyll give you money. But you cant just order oil for the free money
Pretty much, I've been told though that we are especially vulnerable to very high oil prices because of our industrial output. Low prices are good for the EU as a whole, but in that specific moment I was thinking about Germany first and foremost.
>4 hours for $140
Yeah, nah. Sounds too good to be true.
Canada, "backyard of the United States". You will only get fucked if Brazil stops buying Canadian wheat, Canadian mineral coal and Canadian Bombardier aircraft. America doesn't matter. America is weak.
We're doing better than the US and a lot of European countries.
But yes, we should've taken this shit seriously in January like other Asian countries. Probably wouldn't even hit 10k cases max if we did this shit in January.
>We're doing better than the US and a lot of European countries.
Low low bar, US and Western EU (minus Germany?) are the worse nations on Earth in terms of corona spread.
I do tend to look to Canada as to what is possible for USA. Because you have no BCG, similar lifestyle and climate like if it works in Canada it can work here. Vs. somewhere like India which is doing very well but is younger and has BCG and hotter climate...I can't look to them as easily.
>minus Germany?
We have 145,000 cases, but our test rate is very high so other countries might be in front of us. We have many intense care beds and aren't suffering from medical equipment shortages so far. So we have many cases, but it's mostly under control and recent developments are making me hope that the worst is more or less past us by now.