>Oil prices in free fall
>unemployment at record lows
>economy is literally on fire
Is this the time comrades?
Oil prices in free fall
Other urls found in this thread:
>>unemployment at record lows
sorry rosenberg i have work tomorrow
You have nothing to lose but your chains, comrade
We must be patient comrade, but the signs are there
I don't think you want a collapse right now because fascism is more palatable than socialism to average normies. Don't believe me? Look at which far side is the one winning elections and which one is getting cockblocked by moderates.
Soon comrade. Comrade Xi will deliver soon.
better ded than red.
>imagine crying about Soviet annexation of Kuril Islands.
*chimps out and country undergoes mitosis*
Nazism is only for germans, marxism is for the whole world
>implying anything will actually happen
the world is fucked, we entered a cursed timeline when the German revolution of 1918-19 failed, capitalism will drive us headfirst into a wall before most people even consider socialism
>Oil prices in free fall
Is it still called free fall when you hit the floor but keep falling?
>being in a first world country
>actually being a communist
How can you be this retarded?
kys retard spic
Nice assumptions
im jomon
Such unfortunate fate, his rigor mortis set in so fast after he suicided. It was truly a medical phenomenon. What an extraordinary death
Well, no... Also
>marxism is for the whole world
Literally schizo-tier delusion.
Post picture of yourself with timestamp to prove this
>Nice assumptions
Anything else wouldn't make sense
>gommie Yas Forums thread that if it was the other side would get deleted immediately for being Yas Forums
>"Finn" comes in and defend commies
Where did I defend commies? I just shat on fascists for being the exact same scum, only less successful.
Is it okay if I became communist party member so after the revolution I could hopefully send the people I don’t like to work camps, not because I actually belive that bullshit?
That really doesn't translate well. Could you rephrase?
>Nazario Moreno González
So you're spic....and also dead for 4 years.
>2 weeks without people using cars or buying non essential things outside of food and medicines
>entire system collapses
Is this the best we got?
>fascism is like communism but worse
Again, defending commies. You're probably some underage or autistic ancap, or a "radical" centrist.
But Nazism is for germans only. Its nationalism and you are the wrong nation in this case. Blood and soil, you dont have their blood and you dont get their soil which you have to be born in and connected with by being a noble german warrior peasand or whatever bullshit they made up. Its -national-.
World revolution is world revolution
Bye President Trump and Russia
spics are jomon
He was suicided by communists
Marxism mean workers own the means of production....but if there are no workers then Marxism is FUCKED because unemployed people turn into something called a lumpenproletariat (German word for NEET). In Marxism, NEETs are the enemy of the Workers.
It's a factual statement. Fascist states lasted a couple decades at best. Commies got 70 years until their own retarded collapse. Capitalism outlasted both.
I would like less government interference in my life, but not to the level of anarchists.
Nothing collapsed here yet...its been 5 weeks.
But we made it so weed, booze, lotto tickets, mcdonalds etc. all count as "essential" and auto parts too and house parts too. And you can still order online. So who even knows.
OP just had to be a jew, what a cohencidence
There are always workers but yes neets are not tolerated unless they really are physically and/or mentally challenged