I'm Turkish but I feel Russian. I always advocate the use of Cyrillic. When I talk about the price of something, I say it in Russian ruble. When I speak English, I thrill my Rs (especially if I'm speaking with a capitalist pig). When my friends eat Döner and drink Ayran, I eat Semechki and drink Vodka. I even adjusted myself to the Russian time to live the full Russian experience. When my peers sleep at night, I stay up because I know it's 10 PM in the St Petersburg. I always make fun of Bulgarians and their "language" online. When I hear a Pole speak, I make sure to mock his accent. I go on the KFC's youtube account and comment "TУ ХEЛ УИT КAПИTAЛИЗM! ФAК AMEPИКA CУКA!" below the video (I also dislike and flag the video). When I hit my friends' places, I throw their money into my pocket to BTFO the bourgeois when they're not looking. I advocate Russian imperialism on a daily basis. I never heard of Coca Cola before. When my friends use Лaтиницa to write Turkish, I write in Киpилицa. When our friends ask for suggestions on what to watch on movie nights, I make sure we watch Soviet propagandas and documentaries. I know every Russian oblast and every monarch of Romanov family. I believe Russians and Ukrainians should put aside their differences and rape Europe like they did back in the good ol' days. When I hear my friends listen to homosexuality-filled eurobeats, I immediately open sovietwave (preferably earrape). My phone alarm is Clouds of Shipka in earrape (unironically kek), my roommates hate it. I'm considering buying Russian proxy to proudly bear Флaг Poccии on 4channel until I move Russia. I also do my best to Russify my friends. I once beat a kid at my school because he spoke German or something. I also jew the French tourists in Antalya to make them pay for what Napoleon did.
Also, if any Rusbro is reading this: Дa здpaвcтвyeт Poccия!!
Ever since I was a kid I have been interested in Russia unfortunately I am an American. I have low iq. I wish here was a version of the Russian language that low iq could speak Ever since I was a kid I have wanted to be russian in american education system we are mostly taught how amazing russia is and kids grow up playing eastern european games
Asher Reed
Come home, Slavic man. >>>/lang/ >>>/rus+bel+ukr/ duolingo.com/