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not really, their point is to make the oil go down so that the US shale industry is ded, and so is Russia/Iran.

they're the ones who will survive this, they're playing 4d chess


Not sure how they survive oil literally going negative

Corona is a hellavu thing

Isn't there a chance a lot of economies will pick up again with way less dependency on oil now?

>Saudi Arabia needs an oil price of about $85 per barrel to balance the government's budget deficit, but only $50 per barrel to balance the current account

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Nobody knows. Coronavirus is messing up literally everything. Some states WILL end up failing as a result of this.

It's a temporary situation, it will change in the next 6-18 months.
And saudi arabia has a lot of assets, they're pretty stacked.

When the economy will go back, just like after the 2008-2009 crisis, the oil demand will be very high.

Is there a chance they could start a war based economy with US?

Bullshit. Saudi has like 0 wealth reserves, there's a reason they've been trying to dump Aramco, it's because they have literally nothing besides Aramco and SABIC. The government will never allow Shale to go bankrupt, and Iran will hold out out of spite. Saudi Arabia WILL be the first to fall except for maybe Venezuela.

well that's been said since the 1973 crisis, but oil is still very much in use

Dude, 5 seconds after oil stops mattering, Saudi Arabia will be abandoned and bumfucked by the entire world. And they deserve it for what they did to Yemen.


am i the only one that's noticed this french flag shilling for saudi arabia?

theyre the ones causing this shit

I thought it was BSOD


France is SA's biggest european ally. They'll happily provide them with munitions to warcrime everyone around them.

They were, but now it's gone too far and they're regretting it.

Never did that, but you're shilling for iran/china 16 hours a day here, with 500-1500 daily posts.

literally what

That sounds great until you realize
>They're already $126 B in debt, and by their own government's admission will be $300-400 B in debt at the end of the crisis
>$500 B will last two years under Saudi Arabia's current budget
>Saudi Arabia trying to cut the budget by 20% means massive unrest and government instability since they'll inevitably cut most state agencies by 35-45% so they can keep bombing children in Yemen
They can get away with this for about a month.

To their credit, the Saudis have been spending a shit ton as part of a massive government initiative to diversify their economy in the coming decades. Unfortunately for them they're still pretty much entirely dependent on oil. They do deserve it for what they're doing in Yemen and for all the people who've died by the hand of Wahabbist radicals those fucking faggots have been bankrolling for decades now.


What a fucking mess lmao

Perfect time to start a war with Iran and kick the oil price back up

Those faggots also destroyed en mass religious monuments and shrines that were beyond valuable.

thats what you get for solely relying on oil for 60 years straight. they could've started diversifying their economy and spent big money on educating their 79 IQ population in the last century instead of paying russian girls 30k to shit on their chest

Hopefully russkies die too. We gonna see independent yakutia, etc

They've got savings and shit. Russia and Venezuela will be the ones in trouble, though the people will bear the brunt of this.