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Old thread Old challenge (yes hello Chile, I saw your OP t. Sven)
Lol what a choice of video. This is the one I usually send people: youtu.be/03iwAY4KlIU How good a depiction would you say this is?
Andrew Harris
it doesn't sound as nasally as northern. it is better preserved in the black people.
Luis Allen
I like the idea of toki pona, but it's really difficult to express specific or intricate ideas with so few words.
I always prefer the idea of learning natural languages, but as far as constructed languages go, I think lojban is pretty good. It's almost like a spoken object oriented programming language.
Tolkien's conlangs are all pretty good too, since they're all made solely for the aesthetic. Tengwar writing is god tier 2bh fampai.
Klingon has a massive following of Trekkies, so if you're into it I'd get into that too.
Other than that, Esperanto is a shit language and only globalist commies and socialists speak it, but it's by far the most active conlang community. So if you don't mind the presence of actual mouthbreathing mutts, it's a good option for you.
Ryder White
I learned Futhorc some years ago and I want to put some good use to it, also, it would be nice to add to my curriculum, I am planning on majoring history if I am ever to leave my neetdom.
Anthony Wright
prove it.
Jackson Anderson
How do the Flemish say "cheers" I've seen the Dutch ones but then there's also something like "schoal" and of course "santé". And then probably some dialect variants.
Aiden Smith
>it's really difficult to express specific or intricate ideas with so few words. That's the point.
Sebastian Long
Quiz challenge. Answer the questions or translate them into your target language. 1. What is the sun? 2. Why can't we see stars during the day? 3. Why do planets have names of gods? 4. How do we know that the earth isn't flat? 5. If there were life on Mars, what would it look like? 6. Why did many cultures see the moon as female? 7. Why are famous actors called stars? 8. What's the difference between astronomy and astrology? 9. Why does the Bible say that the sky is made of water? 10. What would have happened if aliens had visited ancient Greece?
Jordan Powell
>futhorc OE would allow you to read the Anglo-Saxon rune poems, but you'll realistically get access to more sources if you read ON.
>history Depending on what type of history you choose for your concentration, you'll have language requirements. You should start working on those. Ancient and Medieval require reading knowledge, not necessarily fluency. I did Medieval concentration and wrote my dissertation on a topic in Viking Age Scandinavia, so I took Latin, French, German, and Old Norse. If this is something you want to do, start with Latin, because you're going to need it anyway, and it conditions your mind well to learn other languages with case systems. You mentioned you already have a grasp on German, great. French is easy to learn to read if you already speak Spanish; I tested out of it with a translation exam after about a year of classes.
Christian Morris
'Schol' (same thing as the Scandinavian 'skål') and 'santé', but also 'tjing(tjing)' (when drinking something fancier like wine or champagne, in thinner glasses that make a bright sound, which 'tjing' is an onomatopoeia of).
Caleb Rivera
i can't answer most of these in english (without looking it up first)
Hunter Ward
>What is the sun? Hvad er solen? 2. Why can't we see stars during the day? Hvorfor kan vi ikke se stjerner af dagen? 3. Why do planets have names of gods? Hvorfor har planeter guders navne? 4. How do we know that the earth isn't flat? Hvordan ved vi at jorden ikke er flad? 5. If there were life on Mars, what would it look like? Hvis der var liv på mars, hvordan ser det ud?
I'd like to ask, leger and spiller are basically the same?
Aiden Long
Yeah I know, I just personally don't like it for that reason.
Brayden Morgan
Trying my best with what I know
Óu est le soleil? Pourquoi nous ne pouvons pas voir les étoiles pendant la journée? Pourqoui les planets ont-ils les names des dieux? Comment savons nous que la terre n'est-elle pas plate?
I'll leave it there, I'd be lying to myself if I kept going with a translator.
Dominic Harris
??? Have you ever looked at OE texts before?
Noah Baker
>he cant prove it
Elijah Reyes
I will learn hebrew someday, /isr/aelianons are friendly and comfy people /deutsch/ truly made me hate learning german
Wyatt Martinez
1. Que é o sol? 2. Por que non podemos ver estrelas durante o día? 3. Por que os planetas teñen nomes de deuses? 4. Como sabemos que a terra non está plana? 5. Se houbese vida en Marte, como sería? 6. Por que moitas culturas consideran a lúa como femia? 7. Por que se chaman actores famosos como estrelas? 8. Cal é a diferenza entre astronomía e astroloxía? 9. Por que a Biblia di que o ceo é de auga? 10. Que pasaría se os extraterrestres visitasen a Grecia antiga?
>Hvorfor kan vi ikke se stjerner af dagen? om dagen
>Hvorfor har planeter guders navne? gudenavne
>Hvis der var liv på mars, hvordan ser det ud? would probably say 'hvordan havde det set ud?'
>leger and spiller are basically the same? no but also yes but also no spille is to play media, roles lege is to play like physically, like with toys or whatever imaginary stuff kids do when they run around playing outside
>when no one's learning Swememe anymore so you correct Danememe
Connor Wilson
>1. What is the sun? C'est l'étoile de notre système solaire. >2. Why can't we see stars during the day? Parce qu'il y a trop de lumière du soleil et au cause de cela l'on ne peut pas voir la lumière d'autres étoiles. >3. Why do planets have names of gods? Ce sont les Grecs qui ont inventé ces noms et nous continuons cette tradition parce qu'ils ont beaucoup d'influence en sciences. >4. How do we know that the earth isn't flat? L'on peut utiliser deux cadrans solaires en deux différentes parties du monde et constater deux différents résultats. >5. If there were life on Mars, what would it look like? Je crois que toutes les formes de vie avancées seront plus ou mois similaires à nous, mais évidement un peu different au cause de différents conditions physiques. >6. Why did many cultures see the moon as female? C'est parce que les femmes n'étaient pas autorisées à recevoir une éducation, donc, c'étaient les hommes qui ont participé à la science et les hommes veulent faire l'amour à tout ce qui bouge. >7.Why are famous actors called stars? Parce qu'ils brillent si fort que le monde entier les voir. >8. What's the difference between astronomy and astrology? L'astronomie est une science qui suit une méthodologie scientifique, donc, elle suit des principes de vérification et tout cela. >9. Why does the Bible say that the sky is made of water? Peut-être les gens qui ont écrit la bible croyaient que l'eau qui vient avec la pluie vient d'un réservoir dans le ciel. >10. What would have happened if aliens had visited ancient Greece? Ils l'ont fait.
Kayden Cook
Google literally any OE work and look at it. It's not gonna look anything like what you posted.