What exactly happens here?
What exactly happens here?
russiaboo turks
Turko-Perso-Levantine stuff but also Eastern Orthodox stuff
I thought they were slavs
>american education
>slavic language, slavic names, look slavic, eastern orthodox
what can I say son, seemed reasonable
South Slavs are more Med than Slavs.
Real Slavs are in Poland, Belarus, Russia, etc.
It's inhabited by 89IQ people who are loud, make inarticulate noises and occasionally chimp out. Also shitty architecture with even shittier urban planning. It's like Africa but in Europe.
shut up, serb.
Russian colony pretending to be independent
>Serb uses the word Serb as an insult
Regular life.
they are basically Russians of the south
It's not an insult, i'm just describing you. Why are you hating on your homeland? You would've been bullied in Hungary too.
wild life*
>hurr durr ur a subhuman just like me, trust me bro
Turn off your proxy, I already know that you're Greek.
ahahahhah holy shit this has spread all over int by now lmao
is that supposed to be Turkey?
Sloni, how will you react when your sister eventually pops up a few serbian children?
Poverty. A psycho become president and he is selling the country to China in exchange for gibs. Also Kosovo is an independent country.
honestly, he does look Serbian
Making diaspora, forced diaspora and its descendants SEETHE to this very day just by existing. Just look at this thread and its posts. It's always the same flags and same jokes. They can't help themselves.
>Must be Greek diaspora
Sex hahahahahahah seeeeexxxxxx
My ancestors :)
I will have segs anal with turk girl then marry and baginal and leave her, please no kill her iz my fault ok goodbye