DJT is a Japanese language learning thread for 貴腐人 that are interested in the language, anime, manga...

DJT is a Japanese language learning thread for 貴腐人 that are interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

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>no title


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We use a Hebrew translation usually, but I'm a stuck up snob who says it in proper Latin, including hard C

Whoopse, slip of the tongue
It was Europa, not Hera.

Could anybody please answer

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Ah I see thanks. I think that's were we heard that phrase in Latin class too, I think. Though in the back of my head I got Zeus transforming one of his lovers into a cow to hide her too, not sure if I am mixing things up

Oh it was Io. Maybe it was there where that phrase was mentioned?

Well, at any rate the actual phrase is from a 19th century German novel which I did not actually read, and I am basing my understand on the wikipedia article for the idiom, so maybe I'm wrong.


No clue desu, since the English article has no source on that, and the German one doesn't mention anything about it. Also locus classicus != origin

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>locus classicus
>1 : a passage that has become a standard for the elucidation of a word or subject
>2 : a classic case or example

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Though I guess you can find that usage in a really old wikipedia article ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Based random wikipedia editor

/djt/ - 毎日のラテン語スレ

Non 日本語 sed ラテン語 discimus

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Shit idol


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>Unreal Engine
Let's see whether or not my computer will be able to handle it

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hello world

In dictionaries (like in newspapers), I often find short phrases like 「...の意か。」. I think it's to save the number of characters.

I see, thanks! So do you view it as some kind of contraction of だろうか or so, or does it sound like it's fine on it's own?

Attached: Yothanks.jpg (292x325, 20.87K)

Only good post in this thread

For me
>it's fine on it's own

Grammatically speaking, I think it could be interpreted as "the dictionary asks itself whether it means X or not => it actually says 'that it means X could be right or wrong'", but I hadn't really thought about it before.

I don't think the heisig keywords are as worthless as people think they are
>be car fag
>look up kei cars on jisho
>light self moving car
the mnemonics write themselves

Seems pretty useless to me.

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I see, many thanks!
Wheres the mnemonic?

Attached: ?.jpg (600x331, 148.86K)

the only difference between learning English keywords like that and just learning the kun-yomi is one is English and one is Japanese
It means lightweight. It means 軽い.
It means "self" or "by itself." It means 自ら.
It means "move." It means 動く.
It means "cart" or "vehicle" or "car." It means 車(くるま).

You are just adding an extra step before learning the Japanese word.
But if that's what you need to do then that's what you need to do.