
desperate JFs edition

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just purchased 10k of oil, cant go anylower so it's a win win

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Just copped this timepiece

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saudis on the phone offering me £200m to take 40 barrels of crude off their hands

Being a submissive heterosexual is pain
You're basically forced into homosexuality due to the lack of sexually dominant females out there

Sub-edition: VERY pretty girls

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why you posting jewish propaganda?

>Oil is literally exit scamming
Holy fucking shit I can't fucking breathe

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imagine if scotland was independent rn

Isn't it nice when the Janner isn't around and we conform to our usual routine?

He really is a blight on this board.

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I reckon Great Britain, Japan, France, Germany, the USA, Spain and Italy could easily take China.

if only. would be rebuilding hadrians wall to keep them out.

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implying the whole show wouldn't have derailed by now anyway

whats Spain doing in there?

gods punishment on the evil house of saud


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oilmongs on the ropes
GREEN BVLLS celebrating

could take them ourselves with both hands behind the back

apology for poor english

when were you when oil dies

i was sat at home drinking brain fluid when fred ring

'oil is die'


and you???????????????????????

how do i buy oil

every laughed at me when I said oil would drop below $1 on 20/04

trading 212 innit

go to the shop

oil is at -3.70$ a barrel


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Commonwealth member

is prison rape real or is it a meme?

What does this even mean? It now costs you $3.70 for every barrel you have?

if i buy oil now will someone actually give me money?

laughed thinking of this when i found saint adeline in the research hall and she wanted me to bring her brain fluid

>Oil is literally exit scamming

Got Ahmed on the phone, he's offering me cash money to take a couple of barrels of his hands

will have to put that instathot shitting on my chest while she sucks a camels willy on hold

I miss year 7, its been downhill since then

in america, busting cheeks is normal

looks like we're adding richard bransons island o our collection of random islands around the world

Once China sees our boys they'll shit their panties.

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It means the amount it costs to extract the oil is far greater than the amount people are willing to buy it for

does oil being so low have anything to do with countries being in price wars trying to be lower than the other

i was posting on /brit/ with my internet friends


just went down the petrol station and filled my tank and went to pay and they gave me a tenner

Ah, so they've just found out that we've gone past peak then?

earth moving beneath our feet lads

>you can buy a barrel of oil for less than the price of a freddo

and so ends the man city project

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know a few people who have been locked up its a myth, it simply doesnt happen over here

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>chainlink is now worth more than oil

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yeah, russia has been refusing to go along with OPEC cuts due to corona. there is an agreement but it doesnt start till May 1st so the two go head to head raping the oil market together.

hit my brother over the head because he said tokyo's population was 38 million

just got an email from the ol broker
theyre offering me 120000 Australian dollars to buy oil! bloomin mental!

futures contract for may is apparently super mega fucked

what's really jewish is that the june one is at like 20$

just bought 20000 barrels of oil and made 80 thousand dollars
might just dump them out somewhere

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cant wait to fly over some saudi and emirati girls and shit in their mouths

this might be the biggest investment opportunity of our lifetimes

>invests in Freddos

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Even posting this?

Economics forecast: It's over

do you freaks even know what a future is

might aswell have

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>$3 a barrel

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"So You've Totally Fucked Your Economy"


Trading oil has been suspended

reeckon were living in it right now

Suadi & Duabi finna turn back into a desert

OH MY DAYS the shitcastle takeover lmao

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Check tradingview for CLK2020

dubai will be looking like cheadle in 5 years

business idea: buy 50 oil tankers, hire /brit/ runts to drive to saudi arabia, fill each one with oil then drive back here

That little neighborhood pub you cherished isn’t opening up ever again sweetie

went to the beach today, all the groynes have been covered in shingle. beginnning of the end lads.


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lads i don't know what any of this shit means

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My last good memory before lockdown life was watching Tyson beat Wilder with my stepdad



all the qatar 2022 stadium will be half finished


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so this is how it is

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It's all totally fucked. Completely and totally fucked.

that little neighbourhood pub was bought by spoons years ago and i don't give a toss about it anymore

It means you, me and the rest of the world are shit out of luck

Just bought 1 million barrels of oil for -$50k, will just pour the oil down the toilet when it comes lol

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don't have any good memories apart from watching my footy team win the league cup years ago

ol nigie really thinks he's gonna be rich lmao

There’s gonna be a fucking war over this, isn’t there?

good choon

society is about to completely collapse is what it means

Oil has been tumbling for months, but fell off a cliff on Monday in part because of a technical shift . The May crude futures contract expires on Tuesday, and when futures expire their price tends to converge with the spot price of the commodity. Anyone buying the May contract on Monday is likely planning on taking physical possession of the oil. And no one right now seems to want to own a barrel of oil.

Is this the fabled "Happening" I've been hearing so much about?
is this it?

Buying oil lads


Several very large very powerful countries just basically lost their primary, in some cases sole source of income. What happens next is anybody's guess.

oh my word

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anybody want to buy some oil?

in the future oil will be so cheap we won't need to fill up cars we'll just slather the roads with crude oil and slide from destination to destination on our bellies

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not long now lads

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just put an order for my new lamborghini
you did buy at 0.00, right?

Wall Street has suspended all trading.
Fuck me dead

>Negative 11 dollars

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haha oil well go pssssshhhhhhh

Bought at -3 pal

rorke responding to the oil price drop as if the only thing it's relevant to is filling up the motor

you guys must be fuck ugly to be this witty and funny but not have gfs

nuke the middle east dune coons
do business with whatever is left


you do realise that we have the technology to power cars on nothing but air right


What frightens me is that there are a number of possible outcomes.

One is that they end the COVID lockdowns to try and reverse this situation. The other outcome is WW3.

Jesus Christ.

By the time I posted this it was already at negative 15 dollars lmao

here's how this works, pal
you're gonna pay ME for the favour of taking your oil away

The reason it's dropping is much is because nobody is buying it, the only people who are gonna get fucked by this are Jewish investors and Arab states

Doubt [X]